2020 Comparability Relationship File Record Layouts (2024)

Record Layouts On This Page:

  • 2010 Census Tabulation Block to 2020 Census Tabulation Block Relationship File Layout
  • 2020 Block Group to 2010 Block Group Relationship File Layout
  • 2020 Census Tract to 2010 Census Tract Relationship File Layout
  • 2020 County Subdivision to 2010 County Subdivision Relationship File Layout
  • 2020 Place to 2010 Place Relationship File Layout
  • 2020 Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) to 2010 Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) Relationship File Layout
  • 2010 Urban Area to 2020 Urban Area Relationship File Layout
  • 2010 ZCTA5 to 2020 ZCTA5 Relationship File Layout

2010 Census Tabulation Block to 2020 Census Tabulation Block Relationship File Layout

These are zipped, pipe-delimited text files with UTF-8 encoding provided at the state level (TAB2010_TAB2020_ST<##>.zip) for the fifty states, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

Field #Maximum LengthField NameField Description
12STATE_20102010 tabulation state FIPS code
23COUNTY_20102010 tabulation county FIPS code
36TRACT_20102010 census tract number
44BLK_20102010 tabulation block number
51BLKSF_20102010 tabulation block suffix
614AREALAND_20102010 Land area in square meters
714AREAWATER_20102010 Water area in square meters
81BLOCK_PART_FLAG_O2010 tabulation block part flag; Blank = whole; P = part
92STATE_20202020 tabulation state FIPS code
103COUNTY_20202020 tabulation county FIPS code
116TRACT_20202020 census tract number
124BLK_20202020 tabulation block number
131BLKSF_20202020 tabulation block suffix
1414AREALAND_20202020 Land area in square meters
1514AREAWATER_20202020 Water area in square meters
161BLOCK_PART_FLAG_R2020 tabulation block part flag; Blank = whole; P = part
1714AREALAND_INTIntersection Land area shared by the 2010 and 2020 blocks represented by the record in square meters
1814AREAWATER_INTIntersection Water area shared by the 2010 and 2020 blocks represented by the record in square meters

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2020 Block Group to 2010 Block Group Relationship File Layout

These are pipe-delimited text files with UTF-8 encoding provided at the national (tab20_blkgrp20_blkgrp10_natl.txt) and state level (tab20_blkgrp20_blkgrp10_st<##>.txt) for the fifty states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the island areas.

Relationship File Column NameMaximum LengthColumn Definition
OID_BLKGRP_2022OID of 2020 blkgrp
GEOID_BLKGRP_2012GEOID of the 2020 blkgrp
NAMELSAD_BLKGRP_20100Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 blkgrp
AREALAND_BLKGRP_2014Total Land area of 2020 blkgrp in square meters
AREAWATER_BLKGRP_2014Total Water area of 2020 blkgrp in square meters
MTFCC_BLKGRP_205MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 blkgrp
FUNCSTAT_BLKGRP_201Functional status of 2020 blkgrp
OID_BLKGRP_1022OID of 2010 blkgrp
GEOID_BLKGRP_1012GEOID of the 2010 blkgrp
NAMELSAD_BLKGRP_10100Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2010 blkgrp
AREALAND_BLKGRP_1014Land area of 2010 blkgrp in square meters
AREAWATER_BLKGRP_1014Water area of 2010 blkgrp in square meters
MTFCC_BLKGRP_105MAFTIGER feature class code of 2010 blkgrp
FUNCSTAT_BLKGRP_101Functional status of 2010 blkgrp
AREALAND_PART14Calculated Land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART14Calculated Water area of the overlapping part in square meters

2020 Census Tract to 2010 Census Tract Relationship File Layout

These are pipe-delimited text files with UTF-8 encoding provided at the national (tab20_tract20_tract10_natl.txt) and state level (tab20_tract20_tract10_st<##>.txt) for the fifty states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the island areas.

Relationship File Column NameMaximum LengthColumn Definition
OID_TRACT_2022OID of 2020 tract
GEOID_TRACT_2011GEOID of the 2020 tract
NAMELSAD_TRACT_20100Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 tract
AREALAND_TRACT_2014Total Land area of 2020 tract in square meters
AREAWATER_TRACT_2014Total Water area of 2020 tract in square meters
MTFCC_TRACT_205MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 tract
FUNCSTAT_TRACT_201Functional status of 2020 tract
OID_TRACT_1022OID of 2010 tract
GEOID_TRACT_1011GEOID of the 2010 tract
NAMELSAD_TRACT_10100Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2010 tract
AREALAND_TRACT_1014Land area of 2010 tract in square meters
AREAWATER_TRACT_1014Water area of 2010 tract in square meters
MTFCC_TRACT_105MAFTIGER feature class code of 2010 tract
FUNCSTAT_TRACT_101Functional status of 2010 tract
AREALAND_PART14Calculated Land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART14Calculated Water area of the overlapping part in square meters

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2020 County Subdivision to 2010 County Subdivision Relationship File Layout

These are pipe-delimited text files with UTF-8 encoding provided at the national (tab20_cousub20_coubsub10_natl.txt) and state level (tab20_cousub20_cousub10_st<##>.txt) for the fifty states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the island areas.

Relationship File Column NameMaximum LengthColumn Definition
OID_COUSUB_2022OID of 2020 cousub
GEOID_COUSUB_2010GEOID of the 2020 cousub
NAMELSAD_COUSUB_20100Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 cousub
AREALAND_COUSUB_2014Total Land area of 2020 cousub in square meters
AREAWATER_COUSUB_2014Total Water area of 2020 cousub in square meters
MTFCC_COUSUB_205MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 cousub
CLASSFP_COUSUB_202FIPS class code of 2020 cousub
FUNCSTAT_COUSUB_201Functional status of 2020 cousub
OID_COUSUB_1022OID of 2010 cousub
GEOID_COUSUB_1010GEOID of the 2010 cousub
NAMELSAD_COUSUB_10100Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2010 cousub
AREALAND_COUSUB_1014Land area of 2010 cousub in square meters
AREAWATER_COUSUB_1014Water area of 2010 cousub in square meters
MTFCC_COUSUB_105MAFTIGER feature class code of 2010 cousub
CLASSFP_COUSUB_102FIPS class code of 2010 cousub
FUNCSTAT_COUSUB_101Functional status of 2010 cousub
AREALAND_PART14Calculated Land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART14Calculated Water area of the overlapping part in square meters

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2020 Place to 2010 Place Relationship File Layout (incorporated place or census designated place [CDP])

These are pipe-delimited text files with UTF-8 encoding provided at the national (tab20_place20_place10_natl.txt) and state level (tab20_place20_place10_st<##>.txt) for the fifty states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the island areas.

Relationship File Column NameMaximum LengthColumn Definition
OID_PLACE_2022OID of 2020 place
GEOID_PLACE_2010GEOID of the 2020 place
NAMELSAD_PLACE_20100Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 place
AREALAND_PLACE_2014Total Land area of 2020 place in square meters
AREAWATER_PLACE_2014Total Water area of 2020 place in square meters
MTFCC_PLACE_205MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 place
CLASSFP_PLACE_202FIPS class code of 2020 place
FUNCSTAT_PLACE_201Functional status of 2020 place
OID_PLACE_1022OID of 2010 place
GEOID_PLACE_1010GEOID of the 2010 place
NAMELSAD_PLACE_10100Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2010 place
AREALAND_PLACE_1014Land area of 2010 place in square meters
AREAWATER_PLACE_1014Water area of 2010 place in square meters
MTFCC_PLACE_105MAFTIGER feature class code of 2010 place
CLASSFP_PLACE_102FIPS class code of 2010 place
FUNCSTAT_PLACE_101Functional status of 2010 place
AREALAND_PART14Calculated Land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART14Calculated Water area of the overlapping part in square meters

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2020 Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) to 2010 Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) Area Relationship File Layout

This is a pipe-delimited text file with UTF-8 encoding provided at the national (tab20_puma520_puma510_natl.txt).

Column name
Maximum lengthColumn definition
OID_PUMA5_2022OID of 2020 PUMA5
GEOID_PUMA5_207GEOID of the2020 PUMA5
NAMELSAD_PUMA5_20100Name of 2020 PUMA5
AREALAND_PUMA5_2014Total Land area of2020 PUMA5 in square meters
AREAWATER_PUMA5_2014Total Water area of 2020 PUMA5 in square meters
MTFCC_PUMA5_205MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 PUMA5
FUNCSTAT_PUMA5_201Functional status of 2020 PUMA5
OID_PUMA5_1022OID of 2010 PUMA5
GEOID_PUMA5_107GEOID of the 2010 PUMA5
NAMELSAD_PUMA5_10100Name of 2010 PUMA5
AREALAND_PUMA5_1014Land area of2010 PUMA5 in square meters
AREAWATER_PUMA5_1014Water area of2010 PUMA5 in square meters
MTFCC_PUMA5_105MAFTIGER feature class code of 2010 PUMA5
FUNCSTAT_PUMA5_101Functional status of 2010 PUMA5
AREALAND_PART14Calculated Land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART14Calculated Water area of the overlapping part in square meters

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2010 to 2020 Urban Area Relationship File Layout

Relationship File Column NameMaximum LengthColumn Definition
OID_ua_1022OID of 2010 ua
GEOID_ua_105GEOID of the 2010 ua
NAMELSAD_ua_10100Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2010 ua
AREALAND_ua_1014Total Land area of 2010 ua in square meters
AREAWATER_ua_1014Total Water area of 2010 ua in square meters
MTFCC_ua_105MAFTIGER feature class code of 2010 ua
CLASSFP_ua_102FIPS class code of 2010 ua
FUNCSTAT_ua_101Functional status of 2010 ua
OID_ua_2022OID of 2020 ua
GEOID_ua_205GEOID of the 2020 ua
NAMELSAD_ua_20100Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 ua
AREALAND_ua_2014Land area of 2020 ua in square meters
AREAWATER_ua_2014Water area of 2020 ua in square meters
MTFCC_ua_205MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 ua
CLASSFP_ua_202FIPS class code of 2020 ua
FUNCSTAT_ua_201Functional status of 2020 ua
AREALAND_PART14Calculated Land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART14Calculated Water area of the overlapping part in square meters

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2010 ZCTA5 to 2020 ZCTA5 Relationship File Layout

This is a pipe-delimited text file with UTF-8 encoding provided at the national level (tab20_zcta510_zcta520_natl.txt).

Relationship File Column NameMaximum LengthColumn Definition
OID_zcta5_1022OID of 2010 zcta5
GEOID_zcta5_105GEOID of the 2010 zcta5
NAMELSAD_zcta5_10100Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2010 zcta5
AREALAND_zcta5_1014Total Land area of 2010 zcta5 in square meters
AREAWATER_zcta5_1014Total Water area of 2010 zcta5 in square meters
MTFCC_zcta5_105MAFTIGER feature class code of 2010 zcta5
CLASSFP_zcta5_102FIPS class code of 2010 zcta5
FUNCSTAT_zcta5_101Functional status of 2010 zcta5
OID_zcta5_2022OID of 2020 zcta5
GEOID_zcta5_205GEOID of the 2020 zcta5
NAMELSAD_zcta5_20100Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 zcta5
AREALAND_zcta5_2014Land area of 2020zcta5 in square meters
AREAWATER_zcta5_2014Water area of 2020 zcta5 in square meters
MTFCC_zcta5_205MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 zcta5
CLASSFP_zcta5_202FIPS class code of 2020 zcta5
FUNCSTAT_zcta5_201Functional status of 2020 zcta5
AREALAND_PART14Calculated Land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART14Calculated Water area of the overlapping part in square meters

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2020 Comparability Relationship File Record Layouts (2024)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.