AEW Dynamite results, live blog (July 24, 2024): Blood & Guts! (2024)

Here’s a place to check results and comment along with a new episode of AEW Dynamite, airing tonight (July 24) at 8 pm ET on TBS.

The show will bring us AEW’s annual Blood & Guts match, this year coming our way from Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tennessee. The fourth Blood & Guts will pit The Elite (EVPs & AEW Tag champs The Young Bucks, Continental titleholder Kazuchika Okada, TNT champion Jack Perry, and Hangman Page) against a team of AEW’s best led by AEW World champ Swerve Strickland and filled out by Ring of Honor World champ Mark Briscoe, The Acclaimed & Darby Allin.

Plus, Chris Jericho defends the FTW title against Minoru Suzuki, Dr. Britt Baker goes one-on-one with Hikaru Shida, new International champion MJF will have a word for us, “The Glamour” Mariah May debuts — and more! Get ready with our preview here!

Be here at 8 pm ET when the Dynamite live blog kicks off once the show starts on TBS, and enjoy the show!


They are dying on the dance floor. They are lying in debris. They are fading with exhaustion from the mortal injuries, but me? I’m just here to liveblog this pro wrestling show for you, folks.

The show opens with Alex Marvez trying to get a comment from Will Ospreay about his loss of the International Championship but Will doesn’t want to talk.

Ospreay sees his car’s tire has been slashed and asks Marvez for his keys and they drive off together, Alex asking if Will has ever driven in America and getting a firm “nope!”

Maxwell Jacob Friedman has a squad of cheerleaders to accompany his entrance.

He gets in the ring where a table is covered in a cloth and says Will Ospreay didn’t hit the Tiger Driver ‘91 because he’s a gutless coward and the idea that he could beat him when he couldn’t even beat that schmuck Shane Strickland is laughable. And he hasn’t forgotten about his world title, he’s just waiting for the right moment to pounce.

When the spotlight is on MJF he shines bright like a diamond, but when the spotlight is on Ospreay, he melts. He beat Will without breaking a damn sweat, and he did it quickly and efficiently, the most dominant victory of his career. Some people would tell Ospreay to burn his shindie kickpads and retire, but that’s not enough for Max.

He wants Will to take a long walk off a short pier and dig himself a grave next to his recently-deceased grandma, but leave some room because that fat skan* needs all the room she can get. He moves on to say the AEW International Championship is worthless, held by workhorses who tried to get the crowd’s affection by working hard, what a joke.

Working hard is for poors like all of us, and calls the crowd unpatriotic and treasonous before saying he deserves a title worthy of his bank account and superior upbringing, and this title belt is nothing more than garbage, and he throws the current International Championship belt into the garbage.

He deserves a title that represents himself and the best country in the world, so ladies and gentlemen, please rise for your AEW American Championship, and he unveils a belt decked out in the red, white, and blue. This gets “USA” chants so he has to say he’s talking about the only America that matters, the real America, the most magical place in the world, Long Island.

Confetti shoots out of the ringposts and an American flag unfurls from the rafters with MJF’s face in place of the 50 stars in the canton.

Will Ospreay is here and he runs MJF off! He tells Max can try his best to feed everyone bullsh*t but no one’s eating it. He was in that match and in minute 59, MJF was breathing out his asshole, he knew he couldn’t beat Will, so he reached into his trunks, past his tiny little dick (what’s wrong with that?), and pulled out that ring because he knew he wasn’t on Ospreay’s level.

Max denies cheating but Will continues, saying he met with Tony Khan and Christopher Daniels and he’s got his rematch, on home soil— All In, at Wembley!

Referee Bryce Remsburg is ready to preside over the coin flip for Blood and Guts but when he goes into the room he finds the Elite standing over Christopher Daniels. Matthew Jackson wants to use his own coin and of course he flips it, calls it, and the Elite get the advantage. Nicholas Jackson asks where Hangman Page is and Matthew says they made a deal before flashing the coin at the camera just so we all know it’s double-sided.

Chris Jericho (c) vs. Minoru Suzuki (FTW Championship)

Squaring up, trading chops, Suzuki unfazed and Jericho staggered with each one! Forehead to forehead, Chris getting frustrated but Minoru keeps wading in and throwing hands! Suzuki lets him wear himself out with chops and then lays his back in, making Y2J bleed! A chop knocks Chris down and we go to break with Minoru probing him with kicks!

Back from commercial, trading chops, Jericho has some life back in him, kick to the midsection and an elbow, blood pouring down his chest and he hits a lariat! Cross armbar in the ropes from Minoru, pulling him to the floor after deciding to let go of it, smashing Y2J’s face into the announce desk!

Steel chair in hand, Suzuki rams it into his ribs and wallops him over the neck! Another chair, he puts Jericho’s hand into the first chair and Pillmanizes the wrist! Working the fingers, wishboning them, wrenching them, snapping his pinky in some fan’s face! Desperate chop, Jericho immediately regrets it and shifts to his off-hand!

Minoru cuts him off with a chop, back inside, taking him down into a Fujiwara armbar in the middle of the ring and working the fingers again! Chris hits a Codebreaker but Suzuki pops up at one! Trading elbows from their knees and to their feet, off the ropes, Minoru with a sleeper but Jericho slips out and puts the Walls of Jericho on!

Suzuki rolls to his back, upkicks break free, back to the sleeper hold in the middle of the ring! Gotch piledriver lift, Chris sandbags him and hits the low blow! Judas Effect...

Chris Jericho wins by pinfall with the Judas Effect, retaining the FTW Championship.

Post-match, Suzuki rises to his feet and hits the Gotch piledriver but Bryan Keith and Big Bill hit the ring to beat him down! KATSUYORI SHIBATA MAKES THE SAVE FROM THE CROWD! Low-bridge sends Bill to the floor, Keith blindsides him but Shibata takes him out with a big knee lift!

Renee Paquette interviews new CMLL World Women’s Champion Willow Nightingale backstage but Stokely Hathaway distracts her and Kris Statlander attacks and lays her out!

Stoke issues a challenge for an eliminator match for the title next week and we go to break.

We get footage of an interview conducted with Bryan Danielson earlier today.

He talks about the doctor telling him that his neck is currently fixable and they want to try and keep it that way.

Jeff Jarrett rolls up and says Danielson knows better than anybody that he was crushed to not win the Owen, and Bryan overcame the odds that he couldn’t and he’s the perfect guy and he couldn’t be more proud to raise his hand in Calgary. But now he’s going to be facing a champion who knows exactly what he needs to do, and he knows Dragon needs to heal up physically, but he thinks he needs mental healing too.

Does he have one foot out the door, looking for an excuse? If he’s going All In, Shane Strickland is going to go All In too, and lots of people believe in him and Jarrett is at the top of the list.

Danielson admits Double J is right and says he has some thinking to do.

Dr. Britt Baker, DMD vs. Hikaru Shida

Feeling out, Baker with a hammerlock, crucifix pin, cover for two. Shida blocks a takeover, Britt blocks a back suplex, whip out of the corner, schoolboy for two! Action to the floor, Hikaru with mounted punches against the barricade! Rising knee with Baker on the apron and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Shida in control still, Britt struggling on the floor! Back inside, Baker with a neckbreaker, punches in the ropes, whip reversed, Sling Blade connects! Hikaru with a triangle choke, gator roll into a grounded guillotine choke! Big knee, Shida off the top, nobody home, Britt with a basem*nt superkick!

Hikaru sidesteps the stomp, lands a vicious elbow but gets taken out with a superkick! Baker takes her down, Shida crawling into the corner, thinking about using her kendo stick but she decides better of it! Ripcord elbow sets up the fisherman neckbreaker but Hikaru kicks out! Lockjaw blocked, roundhouse kick, Falcon Arrow does the deal!

Katana countered, roll through, Lockjaw is on! It’s over!

Dr. Britt Baker, DMD wins by submission with Lockjaw.

Post-match, Mercedes Mone comes down to answer Britt’s All In challenge, and her answer is no!

Former NWA World Women’s Champion Kamille attacks Baker from behind! Drawing her up, backbreaker rack, walking Britt around the ring and shking her in it before spinning her out into a powerbomb!

Mercedes raises Kamille’s hand, in case there was any doubt, and we go to break.

Back from commercial, the Patriarchy cut a promo.

Christian Cage says the fans don’t deserve him in person so he’s doing his business from the bowels of the arena. He talks up their trios championship victory and cedes the floor to Nick Wayne so he can talk about his chance to become #1 contender and goes over to harangue some blond guy with a moustache and tells him he’s going to eliminate him from Royal Rampage personally.

Oh, and nobody cares that blond’s dad is dead.

That was Kip Sabian apparently. Weird. Sorry about your dad or whatever.


Bear Boulder vs. PAC

Vertical lift, out with a knee, pump kick in the corner, big shoulder from Boulder! Moonsault off the second, nobody home, knee lift, shotgun dropkick, the Bastard kicking away at Bear’s knee and face! Dropkick follows, PAC gets him up...

PAC wins by pinfall with a brainbuster.

Team AEW cuts a promo backstage and Shane Strickland says they’re gonna show the Elite what violence is about under his leadership. Darby Allin takes issue with that idea and says they’re not going to see eye-to-eye tonight or any night. Strickland says he’ll be happy to get violent with him, and Max Caster and his moustache talk about how he’ll get violent with both of them.

Bickering intensifies, Mark Briscoe has to step up to play peacemaker and say tonight they pull all that aside and he knows the Elite’s gameplan and they can’t let that go down!

Mariah May vs. ???

Mariah’s opponent’s name is announced but no chyron and it’s a squash anyway so... May Day in the middle of the ring but she wants to toy with her and hits the hip attack before pulling her in...

Mariah May wins by pinfall with Storm Zero.

Post-match, Toni Storm’s music hits and Mariah makes like she’s freaking out but it’s a fakeout of course.

Except Toni is disguised as a crew member and pulls a black wig off to attack! Trading punches, referees and security swarm to pull them apart! Toni grabs a mic and screams something unintelligible as she tries to break away!

We go to break on a hype reel for Blood & Guts.

Team AEW (Anthony Bowens, Darby Allin, Mark Briscoe, “Platinum” Max Caster, & Shane “Swerve” Strickland) vs. the Elite (“Hangman” Adam Page, “SCAPEGOAT” Jack Perry, Kazuchika Okada, Matthew Jackson, & Nicholas Jackson) (Blood & Guts Match)

Jack Perry and Darby Allin start the match.

Perry attacks Allin with a chairshot to the head before he even gets into the cage! Powerbomb into the cage wall, fighting around ringside, out into the crowd, Darby making a comeback, dumping a trash can out on him! Finally in the ring, trash can shot from SCAPEGOAT and he chokes Allin with a length of cord! Wedging the can in the turnbuckles, ramming Darby into it!

Allin fighting back, the countdown timer ticks...

Nicholas Jackson is out second for the Elite, carrying a steel chair and a thick metal suitcase into the ring. Guillotine leg drop with the assist from Perry, setting the chair up, they try to suplex Darby into it but he blocks with knees! Put into the cage, superkick follows and a Penalty Kick off the apron wedges Allin between the ring and the cage as we go to break!

Back from commercial, the countdown timer ticks...

Mark Briscoe is out second for Team AEW!

Stepping up off a chair, taking Perry out, catching Jackson into a northern lights suplex off a dive! Allin coming to, Mark gets a ladder from outside, leans it in teh corner, double whip puts Nicholas into the steel! Backsplash into a ladder, Jackson gets clipped in the gentleman’s area and holds his bits screaming!

The countdown timer ticks...

Matthew Jackson is out third for the Elite.

He brains Mark with the steel case that Nicholas brought down and DDTs Darby into it! Briscoe busted open, Jackson putting him into the steel over and over to make the claret flow! Locomotion northern lights and Nicholas blasts Darby in the face with the suitcase again! The Elite standing tall, holding court at some length.

The countdown timer ticks...

Anthony Bowens is out third for Team AEW.

Teeing off on Nicholas, ducking a suitcase shot, chops for Matthew and a superkick takes him down! Off the ropes, Fameasser on Perry but Jackson the Elder throws the case at his head and takes him out! Mark cuts Matthew off, bodyslam, climbing the turnbuckles, gets cut off, Jackson shuts Team AEW down!

Darby fired up, Scorpion Death Drop cuts Matthew off, wallops him in the arm with the thumbtack skateboard! Bowens has a pair of scissors and goes apesh*t stabbing Jack Perry in the forehead and jamming them into his mouth as the countdown timer ticks...

Kazuchika Okada is out fourth for the Elite.

Okada with street sign, Nicholas busted open, double-teams take Team AEW out and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Max Caster is out fourth for Team AEW.

Loaded punches, chairshots, a barbed wire board comes into play, Bowens gets slammed into it, another board sandwiched on top of him, Nicholas off the top... SENTON ATOMICO INTO THE WIRE! Filling Caster’s mouth with tacks, pumping their sneakers up... SUPERKICK PARTY WITH A MOUTHFUL OF TACKS! The countdown timer ticks...

“Hangman” Adam Page is supposed to be fifth for the Elite but he doesn’t seem to be here.

Team AEW on the comeback, barbed wire Scissor Me Timbers on Nicholas Jackson! The countdown timer ticks...

Shane “Swerve” Strickland is out fifth for Team AEW.

HANGMAN PAGE IS HERE WITH A CHAIR AND SCREAMS IT INTO THE BACK OF SWERVE’S NECK! Beating him down on the floor, Page cuffs Strickland to the cage! Briscoe into the barbed wire, Adam keeps beating Shane down on the floor, punches on punches and Matthew Jackson gets on the mic and complains that they had a deal and if he doesn’t get his ass in the ring right now he’s fired!

Hangman heads into the ring, Matthew orders the cage locked and the bell rung and the Match Beyond begun with Swerve down and out and handcuffed to the cage!

Briscoe with mounted punches and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Strickland on his feet and trying to wriggle free of the cuffs, here comes Jeff Jarrett, guitar in hand, Brandon Cutler tries to warn him off but Daddy Ass cuts Cutler off and Double J gives Brandon the El Kabong before they free Swerve from the cuffs! Prince Nana has bolt cutters to get him through the cage and into the ring!

Swerve unloading with lariats, dropkick puts Okada into the ropes, uppercut, diving uppercut, block a kick from a Buck and he hits a backbreaker into a powerbomb into the other Buck! Hip toss on Perry, roll into a vertical suplex! Strickland and Page unload with Frye/Takayama punches in the gap between the rings!

Buckshot countered, arm drag, roll through, upkick blocks, barbed wire board to Shane’s face! Darby makes the save with the Yoshi Tonic! Flapjack from Okada! More “everybody do something cool” stuff, Swerve has a staple gun! Low block from a Buck saves Hangman, the other Buck finally opens teh suitcase and it’s full of staple guns!

The Elite each take a stapler and pepper Strickland with staples! But Swerve laughs as he rises to his feet! Staple one Buck with the other’s hand, backbreaker into a staple in the neck for SCAPEGOAT! Okada with a dropkick, Rainmaker ripcord, he flips the bird and Shane staples his finger! A staple to Hangman’s jaw and a House Call follows as we go to break!

Back from commercial, Nicholas Jackson scales the cage fter Matthew stacks up four tables with Anthony Bowens in the middle! Max Caster makes the save, Bowens climbs up after Nicholas! Fighting on the cage scaffold, Anthony staggered, wavering... BOWENS FALLS OFF THE CAGE AND THROUGH THE STACK OF TABLES!

In the ring, Briscoe hits a Jay Driller on Okada, cuts Matthew off, one for him too! Front kick to Perry... JAY DRILLER FOR THE SCAPEGOAT! ONE FOR NICHOLAS TOO! Setting Matthew on a table between the rings, Darby is walloping Perry on a table in the other ring... FROGGY BOW THROUGH THE TABLE INTO THE DIAMOND PLATE!

Allin climbs the cage wall, monkey bars’ing the scaffolding... COFFIN DROP OFF THE TOP OF THE CAGE AND THROUGH THE TABLE! Caster back inside, he’s got a suitcase and pulls a pair of handcuffs out of it! Mark cuffs SCAPEGOAT to the wall of the cage! The other arm, too— JACK PERRY IS CRUCIFIED TO THE CAGE AND BRISCOE UNLOADS WITH KENDO STICK SHOTS TO THE MIDSECTION, ASKING IF HE QUITS!

Darby goes under the ring for plunder, Mark Briscoe wallops Jack with his own chair right in the dome! Allin comes back inside with some kind of spike! Matthew Jackson trying to talk some kind of sense into Briscoe... DARBY’S GOT A CAN OF GASOLINE AND A LIGHTER! HE DOUSES JACK PERRY IN GASOLINE!

Allin tells Perry he’s gonna light his ass on fire if he doesn’t quit and give him a TNT Championship match at All In but Jack just spits at him! Matthew tries to offer Darby the title match in exchange for stopping but Darby won’t do it unless he quits! MATTHEW JACKSON QUITS THE MATCH FOR THE ELITE! IT’S OVER!

Team AEW win by surrender.

Matthew has a shellshocked thousand yard stare while Jack Perry hangs off the cage soaked in gasoline.

That’s the show, folks.

AEW Dynamite results, live blog (July 24, 2024): Blood & Guts! (2024)
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Name: Patricia Veum II

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