In this chapter of the tarot course we will see the 8 of Wands and its meanings. What does the 8 of Wands mean in the Tarot? What does the 8 of Wands card mean in love, work, money or health? What is its spiritual meaning and what does it reveal to us? What does the 8 of Wands card mean upside down or reversed?
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The 8 of Wands in the tarot
The Eight of Wands is a very dynamic and highly positive card for when it appears in your reading: Everything will go well, and fast, too.
Graphic description of the card
- The Eight of Wands presents a very simple graphic, where eight flowering rods are observed furrowing the air with appreciable speed.
- Through this swift movement, the card suggests everything related to rapid change, displacement and travel.
- The simplicity of the image, with its clear background and absence of elements, indicates that there are practically no obstacles present in your journey or your path.
What does the 8 of Wands mean in the Tarot?
The Eight of Wands in right hand position, General Meaning: If we continue with the correlation, the journey, the continuous story that the tarot tells us. The Eight of Wands indicates that the struggles waged in the previous card, the Seven of Wands, are over.
You now find yourself with a free path forward to develop your plans, ideas or projects, whatever they may be on any level, emotional, occupational, or economic.
You now have enormous energy and a lot of freedom available to launch into action, so you should expect your pace to be swift and you will reach the goal you have set for yourself perhaps faster than you imagined.
There is nothing ahead that can stop you, and you feel a very comforting general well-being and although it is a period where you will be very busy, with a lot of activity and much to do, you feel that happy tiredness that generates having a vision and enthusiasm to carry everything forward. The progress you are making motivates you even more and you feel that your energy seems to increase with every step.
The Eight of Wands clearly indicates that your movement is very precise and focused, you leave from a point of origin straight to your goal and little can divert you on that path, you have a raw energy that is all applied to this movement that you carry, flowing freely, without any distraction can slow you down or slow your pace.
Your focus and determination are the engines that drive you and you are likely to achieve great things, gaining much in a short time.
No matter what is driving you or what your goal is, your ambitions may be professional or professional, financial or creative, or purely emotional, the essential thing is that your sights are set ahead and you are not willing to let anything outside of it come to stop your desire.
Everything indicates that the results will come very quickly, the conclusion will be happy and the achievement full, but somehow that will not be the end but you can expect to continue with more plans and more challenges because the momentum that already tares gives for much more.
You feel a great inspiration, you have energy and motivation to spare and you know that it is an excellent time to go for more things, since not all the time you can enjoy such a full state of attitude and action.
Your ideas crowd and seem to generate new ones, and for all of them you find a plan and a time to carry them out, you feel that you literally can not stop and that anxiety overflows you, you want to finish one thing to start a new one, so it is important here that you stay well focused.
Your objectives must be clear and have a certain planning to carry them forward, because many times energy and enthusiasm alone are not enough to reach a successful result. It is essential that everything is done in the right time and that you make sure that everything is concluded and given closure before moving on to something else.
Everything in the eight of clubs gives you the same message: It is time to act now, without delay or questioning, because the best chances and opportunities to achieve what you want are available to you now.
You should not delay or dilly-dally, even if you don’t know or have all the elements available to act. It is possible that once in motion, the data or elements that you are still missing will appear, so you should not fear or speculate too much, just get going and the whole picture will qualify as you move forward.
In a literal sense, sometimes this card is related to air travel, an airplane trip, air transport of goods, a quick and impulsive transfer, perhaps a quick vacation, an unforeseen destination, pleasure trips alone or with the family, business trips or that kind of fast tourism that leads to visit twelve countries in three days.
In a negative sense, the eight of clubs indicates that haste and unlimited progress can lead to mistakes or wrong decisions, product of haste.
So even without an absolutely planned plan, it is important that you have some basic and elementary considerations, an outline of the action and the result you intend, since a blind flight may not end well at all. If you keep this basic premise in mind, success awaits you in a very short time.
And depending on the context of the rest of the cards, this eight may indicate that you have already done everything possible, what was in your hand and yet there are no results, because the final decisions depend on external circumstances or other people.
You feel a certain tiredness and frustration but there is nothing else you can do but wait for the environment to resolve the situation.
What does the 8 of Wands mean in love?
In the realm of love. The eight of clubs indicates that taking action and getting going is very important now, it depends on you and your actions to resolve situations positively, the position and attitude of the other is also important as it is logical, but acting you can achieve much more than just waiting.
It is a card that encourages you to move forward, to make a commitment, especially if you want to move forward in a relationship or start a new love story. All difficulties will be successfully overcome and the resolution will be quick and favorable.
If you are lonely, the eight of clubs announces fast relationships, which may or may not have commitment, but they will be fast, everything will go in a hurry. They can be the typical fleeting love affairs full of passion and sexuality, such as summer love, which can turn into a solid relationship, but if it doesn’t, it will still be worth living.
What does the 8 of Wands card mean at work?
On the work level. The eight of clubs shows you that the direction is right, everything you are doing will come to a good conclusion and the results will be evident much sooner than you expected.
It is a card of encouragement if you have in mind to carry out a plan, start a business or activity, even if you have considered changing a job for another that you think is better, the card encourages you to take that step.
If you are unemployed, the time of uncertainty comes to an end and everything accelerates in your favor, proposals and possibilities appear very soon for you, which you should undoubtedly take.
What does the Card of the 8 of Wands mean in money and finances?
In finances and money. The eight of clubs means that everything is in motion and moving forward at a very good pace. Your money is on a growth path, either by good decisions, a winning impulse, successes, and financial hunches that conclude well.
It is a very encouraging card to undertake new things, businesses, partnerships, make investments that seem crazy but turn out to be very successful. Of course you must have minimal planning, but if it feels right it will probably turn out well.
You are very inspired and aiming for goals, which may come faster than imagined.
The downside is that in this wave of advancement and success, you may have a tendency to splurge or spend unnecessarily, so money can slip away very quickly if you don’t plan properly.
What does the 8 of Wands signify in health?
In matters of health. The eight of clubs encourages you to get to the bottom of things. If you are suffering from ailments or health problems, go all out to solve them, as this is the best and fastest way to restore your good health.
With this card your health is surely very good because you have a lot of vitality and energy, but you must be careful not to overdo it. It is important to take care of your sleep, diet and the stress of this rapid progress so as not to drain your batteries before their time.
There may be some fatigue at the end of the day and emotional exhaustion, so try to balance everything very well so that it does not impact your health.
What does the 8 of Wands mean spiritually?
As far as spirituality is concerned. The eight of clubs can point to two situations: On the one hand, you have left aside your spirituality, a product of being with your mind on achieving your goals, so the card asks you to get back on track and not abandon this essential part of your inner self.
On the other hand, your goal and progress may have to do only with things related to the welfare of your soul, so you are well on your way to finding answers and solutions to your spiritual concerns.
Rush forward taking in everything around you with a true thirst for knowledge and you will find the answers you need very soon, perhaps in non-traditional and unexpected ways.
What does the card of the 8 of Wands upside down or reversed mean?
The Eight of Wands in reversed position, General Meaning: When the card appears upside down, all indications are that you are facing delays and delays that may be significant, especially if you were expecting a quick turnaround or a quick result in your goal or plan.
Although you have the necessary energy and are perhaps putting forth your best effort, obstacles seem to present themselves one after another to delay your progress, and frustration and helplessness grow in you, plunging you into impatience and even anger.
Many things may not depend on you now, no matter how much you want or how much effort you make, perhaps what you want depends on others or on circumstances external to you, which you cannot influence at will.
This is certainly very frustrating, but you should not leave everything aside, but on the contrary try to find the solution even in the darkness that dominates the panorama.
In another aspect, the reversed eight of clubs can appear to show you that something is going wrong in your planning. You have gone on the attack without much planning and now you are faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles, when with a little prior planning you could have solved them with relative ease.
Perhaps this is a good time to slow down and reconsider, as haste can be a bad advisor and lead you to make mistakes. Slowing down a bit, grounding the action, may give you a better chance of correcting course toward a clearer and more successful destination.
It may be time to put everything on hold until conditions improve or become more favorable, especially if they are not directly dependent on you but on others or the general environment.
It is also possible that you have too many ideas and plans at the same time, without being clear about what action to take, or when is the best time. You do not finish elaborating an idea or plan that you already replace it with another one and all of them seem viable and feasible at the same time that you find defects and impossibilities to all of them.
All this makes that, in short, you spend your time spinning in circles without being able to set your sights on one thing in particular. That generates a lot of mental and physical exhaustion and a strong sense of helplessness.
Maybe it is a good idea to share with others these ideas and breads, to have a little cooler and unbiased external opinion. Do not hesitate to ask for help if you need it, pride can sometimes be a very bad advisor.
It is time to have a lot of patience, this is central to the message of this letter. Not everything is definite or lost, most of the time they are stages or cycles like everything in life and you must have the necessary patience to wait for better waves.
As a final consideration, there may be some guilt associated with the inverted eight of clubs. Something from the past is keeping you from moving forward and you should know that the past can no longer be changed, but simply learned from it for the present or the future. Your guilt may be real, but you must work on forgiving yourself, because only in that way can you generate change going forward.
What does the reversed 8 of Wands mean in love?
In the realm of love. The reversed Eight of Wands signals that some guilt about the past may appear. Also issues related to jealousy that put difficulties in the couple. Jealousy always has to do with self-esteem and self-worth.
There may be delays in important things, for example the idea of moving in together or getting married is delayed, or it could be on the contrary if you are waiting for a divorce to come out, there are delays. Everything is slow with this card…an answer you are waiting for, a gesture you need, a decision that must be made.
What does the 8 of Wands card reversed in work mean?
In terms of work. The reversed Eight of Wands signals that there may be disagreements and arguments at work. You and everyone put a lot of effort into moving things forward but everything seems to be derailed by relatively minor issues.
Step back, cool things down and rethink. There will be delays and waiting if you are expecting raises or promotions. If you are looking for work, unfortunately there may be a delay in a decision you have been waiting a long time for.
What does the 8 of Wands card reversed mean for money and finances?
In terms of finances and money. The reversed Eight of Wands marks that there is no downright negative outlook, but as with everything else, you have to wait.
Money you are waiting for is delayed, a lawsuit, a payment, an inheritance, a salary increase, the return of an investment you have made, a debt to be paid… everything takes a little longer than expected. Time to be patient and take care of the money you have.
What does the card of the 8 of Wands reversed mean in health?
In health. The reversed Eight of Wands indicates that it will be fine, there may be delays in results you are expecting or if you have an ailment or illness, the recovery will be slower than you thought.
In any case, the worst part will be the stress caused by impatience, seeing that things are moving at a slower pace than you want. If impatience gets the better of you, this will result in physical exhaustion, perhaps a little insomnia.
What does the reversed 8 of Wands mean spiritually?
In spirituality. The reversed Eight of Wands warns you that you will need focus, determination, and patience on all levels, including your spiritual outlook. It is easy for energy to dissipate now.
Ground yourself as best you can and try to make time for meditation, stillness, and contemplation. There are things that are out of your hands that are impossible to force, you will need to calm down and accept that.
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