1. What is the meaning of "참교육"? - Question about Korean | HiNative
Aug 7, 2021 · What does 참교육 mean? · "schooled" · @jujulearnkr it means taught a lesson in the hard way, or to lose humiliating · These days, there are some ...
참교육 (cam-gyo-yug) Definition of 참교육 @jujulearnkr it means taught a lesson in the hard way, or to lose humiliating in that context, loser guys are "참교육 당했다" (passive) and winner guys "참교육 했다" (active) in complete sentence, "이번에 걔 참교육 당했잖아" = "This time, he was totally schooled."|These days, there are some young person who are individualistic and misbehaving the other person but someone correct the wrong parts which means teaching in a manners, even if they don't know each other.
2. What is the meaning of "참교육"? - Question about Korean | HiNative
Dec 17, 2023 · 참교육 (cam-gyo-yug) Definition of 참교육 @baboboba 참교육 is really education or really training. |네 슬랭이라 생각하면 되요.
참교육 (cam-gyo-yug) Definition of 참교육 @baboboba 참교육 is really education or really training. |네 슬랭이라 생각하면 되요.
3. Translation of 참교육의 from Korean into English - LingQ
English translation of 참교육의 - Translations, examples and discussions from LingQ.
4. Translation of 참교육과는 from Korean into English - LingQ
English translation of 참교육과는 - Translations, examples and discussions from LingQ.
5. Get Schooled (Webtoon) | Blue String Universe Wiki - Fandom
Get Schooled is a Korean YLAB webtoon and the 6th Blue String webtoon. The story is written by Yongtaek Chae and illustrated by Garam Han.
Get Schooled is a Korean YLAB webtoon and the 6th Blue String webtoon. The story is written by Yongtaek Chae and illustrated by Garam Han. It is published by YLAB. "Hwajin Na’s teaching techniques are pretty violent for someone who works in the Ministry of Education. That being said, when punishments don't seem to work on even the worst of school bullies, there is no better man for the job. Sometimes you can’t get a good education until those bullies are taught a lesson." It has been serialized
6. 오늘의 영어 표현: school (참교육시키다) / get schooled (참교육당하다)
단어도 거의 똑같아요. school이에용. school: 참교육 시키다. I schooled him in the tennis game last night. 내가 어제 밤 테니스 경기 ...
참교육 중이신 여왕님 오늘 뉴스를 보다가 '신인 투수에게 보여주는 메이저리거의 참교육' 테임즈, 백투백투백홈런 작렬 이란 동영상이 있더라고요ㅎㅎ 댓글에 참교육이 일베용어 아니냐는 글들이 있던데 제가… by englishstudy
7. 참교육을 - translation to English - translatero.com
Korean-English dictionary. 참교육을: True Education. 교육: Education. Examples of translating «참교육을» in context: 제대로 교육 못 받았군 · You haven't been ...
Translation of «참교육을» from Korean to English: «See education»
8. Get Schooled | Webtoon Wiki - Fandom
Sep 15, 2023 · Get Schooled (참교육, Chamgyoyuk) was a drama Webtoon written by Yongtaek Chae and art by GARAM HAN; it updates every Sunday, but it discontinued on September ...
Get Schooled (참교육, Chamgyoyuk) was a drama Webtoon written by Yongtaek Chae and art by GARAM HAN; it updates every Sunday, but it discontinued on September 15, 2023. The original Korean Webtoon premiered on Naver. There are works that have a universe (Blue String Universe) like this series: Hanlim Gym: Same universe The World is Money and Power: Same universe Study Group: Same universe To Not Die: Same universe This work discontinued due to expressed racism in chapter 125. But it is only on Webt
9. 참교육을 - translation from Korean to English with examples ...
Translation of «참교육을» from Korean to English.
Translation of «참교육을» from Korean to English: «See education»
10. “참교육”을 영어로?
Sep 16, 2024 · "참교육"은 문자 그대로는 “진실되고 올바른 교육”을 의미합니다. 그러나 최근에는 비행, 범죄를 저지르거나 무례한 행동을 하는 사람을 무력으로 ...
“참교육”은 문자 그대로는 “진실되고 올바른 교육”을 의미합니다. 그러나 최근에는 비행, 범죄를 저지르거나 무례한 행동을 하는 사람을 무력으로 제압하거나, 비매너 유저를 실력으로 교훈하는 상황을 지칭하는 데 사용됩니다. 특히, 일부 슬랭에서는 “School”이라는 표현을 사용하여 이러한 의미를 전달하기도 합니…