The Journey For Difficulties/World 2 (2024)

Welcome to the second world of the game, The Chaotic Mayhem of Frames! As the name implies, many of the towers in this world are gonna be very wacky-framed as well as many wacky tower types! You could see things from donut shaped steeples, to towers split in half, to two steeples connected to each other, and even to all the floors being disconnected from each other! You can except anything in this world, and it will indeed get quite chaotic.

- - Ring Select


  • 1 What is The Chaotic Mayhem of Frames?
  • 2 Zones in This World
  • 3 Trivia
  • 4 Tower Types in This World
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 Beginning At This Point
  • 7 Lobby
  • 8 Secrets
  • 9 Towers in This Zone
    • 9.1 The Noob Section:
    • 9.2 Simple Experiments:
    • 9.3 Mild Experiments:
    • 9.4 Tough Experiments:
    • 9.5 Really Complex Experiments:
    • 9.6 Unstable Experiments:
    • 9.7 Ring's Citadel(+):
    • 9.8 Extras:
    • 9.9 Pixel Towers:
    • 9.10 Trivia

What is The Chaotic Mayhem of Frames?[]

The Chaotic Mayhem of Frames is the second world in The Journey For Difficulties. Unlike the first world, this world heavily focuses on wacky framed towers as well as custom tower types. This world introduces new towers types like Urbans, Donuts, Snakes and more. The difficulty in this world is also all the normal difficulties from JToH, meaning nothing in this world is impossible (the sub-realms however may be). This world will also introduce custom difficulties made by me (planned) and have will have a final challenge tower on the last zone. If you like wacky-framed towers, then this is the world for you!

The amount of zones planned is currently undetermined, but it will likely be the same amount as JToH's zones (so 10). Currently 5 zones have confirmed towers, so those will be the ones listed here on this page. Each zone will only contain difficulties that are possible that range from Win to Catastrophic (although sub-difficulties of Horrific, Unreal, and Nil might be added). If you're looking for any extremely difficult towers above Catastrophic, then you can also take on the challenge of The Great World of Difficulties (World 1)!

Zones in This World[]

Bold Text means the Zone is in-development.

Italic Text means the Zone hasn't been started.

Normal Text means the Zone is finished.

There is currently 5 Zones so far. The total amount of zones will be somewhere from 10 or higher.

(NOTE: Tower counts aren't final and may not be accurate!)

  • Zone 0: The Lab's Backyard (Surface) (30.386 Towers)
  • Zone 1: Underneath The Iceberg (14 [15 Counting Fake] Towers)
  • Zone 2: The Abyss (11 Towers)
  • Zone 3: The Twilight Zone (7 Towers)
  • Zone 4: Darkness (9 Towers)
  • Zone 5: Void (5 Towers)
  • Zone 6: Titanic (11 Towers)
  • Zone 7: Ocean Floors(10 Towers)
  • Zone 8: dffikclt Twers!!!!!! (OceanGate) (7 Towers)
  • Zone 9: Mariana Trench (7 Towers)
  • Ring 10: Tunnels (20 Towers)
  • Ring 11: The Broken Realm (11 Towers)
  • Ring 12: Reality's Summit (5 Towers)


(more trivia will be added here during the development of this world)

  • This world is similar to the Spatial System in JToH; starting at the surface of the earth and slowly ascending up to space. The reason for why this is how it works in World 2 is for a totally different reason that will be revealed after Zone 00 (?).
  • This is the first world to have more than 25 towers in a single zone (Zone 0 having 30 towers + pixel towers)
  • This will be the first world to have sub-realms and alternative universes. This will also be the first world to introduce special tower types (before World 1) like Gar-Towers and Alien Towers.

Tower Types in This World[]

You can now check out all the tower types used in-game here.


(images will be added here soon)

Beginning At This Point[]

Obviously start with Zone 0 since it's the only zone unlocked at the start of this world, unlike World 1 where you have Ring 0 and Zone . Luckily, Zone 0 has a Noob Section that contains Class 0 difficulties if you aren't skilled enough to take on the normal difficulties, so this zone can also be a good start to get better. Good Luck!

After the events of World 1, scientists from the New Universe have decided to try to replicate and bring back towers from the Old Universe. To prevent chaos from happening again, only the possible difficulties were brung back, so that any of the impossible difficulties couldn't cause havoc again. To fit all the towers into the science lab, they were given their own pillars and were placed to surround the lab, so that more experiments and studies can be performed in the backyard. Be careful! These towers are still experimental!

- - Ring Select

Zone 0: The Lab's Backyard (Surface) is the first zone in The Chaotic Mayhem of Frames (World 2) of The Journey For Difficulties. This zone takes place in the backyard of the Towers and Difficulties Study Lab (TaDST). These towers were created during experiments done by some of the many scientists studying how towers and difficulties worked back then in the Old Universe. After many, many years of constant experiments and failures, a single tower was finally be able to made again, as well as it's difficulty. You may just think that the scientists could just build the tower to bring it back, but it's much more complicated than that. These towers are special, and require more than just building them to revive them back to life. What is required to bring these towers back is currently only known to the scientists (who won't leak the information to the public). To prevent chaos and harm the universe again, only the normal difficulty range was brought back, as well as 4 soul-crushings (Insane, Extreme, Terrifying, and Catastrophic) to keep the difficulty range balanced, as well as new sub and normal difficulties! Towers in this zone range from High Win to Peak Relentless. This zone is also known for having a ton of towers, so you will have plenty of towers to try out in this backyard!

This zone should be attempted after you've beaten Ring 0 in World 1, since that ring only has Class 0 difficulties, unlike this zone which has Class 0-2.


You will enter the back area of the science lab, and will see the back exit right in front of you. Walk out of the door and you will be in the backyard, where all the portals and experiments are going on. Exploring the lobby, you will find the Simple Experiments, Mild Experiments, Tough Experiments, and Really Complex Experiments sections. Going towards the front of the lab, you will fall into a pit trap that leads to the Noob Section. This section is here because the noob towers have yet to be verified to be the right difficulty for said tower by the scientists themselves, meaning these towers could be harder than their original towers from Ring 0. Looking around you, you will see the whole building of the lab, as well as some pillars that surround the lab, and some sort of protective net above the lab. The reason for this net is unknown.

If you look outside of the lab, you will see the towers that surround the lab. Quite a great view! You can also talk to the scientists that you will find the backyard.


(more secrets will be added here during the development of this zone, these secrets and locations aren't final due to this zone not being started)

  • The Noob Section

  • TICK

  • Pixel Experiments

  • CoCD

  • PoMP

  • LNaSS

  • CoTTT

Noob Section

  • Go to the backyard and take a left straight away, then walk straight towards the side of the lab as if you were walking to the entrance. You will end up falling into a can collide false trap that will lead you to the Noob Section. In this section lies all the Class 0 towers you can try out.

Tower Inconveniently and Cruelly Killed

  • Go to the scientist that is working on the Really Complex Experiments towers and look at the desk. If you look close enough you will see a pink button hidden under multiple sheets of paper. Press it and then go behind ToCK's portal. Be careful not to touch ToCK's portal teleporter and fall into the mysterious hole that opened. You will be in a warped version of the backyard and the opposite side of where you entered will be Tower Inconveniently and Cruelly Killed.

Pixel Experiments

  • Go to the scientist working on the Simple Experiments towers and talk to him about what he's working on. He will proceed to tell you a secret; "I'm supposed to be working on these easy towers, but I'm kind of working on something of my own!" Continue talking to him and he will reveal that he is working on Pixel Towers. Ask him where these are located and he will reveal the location. Follow that location and you will find the pixel towers.

Citadel of Chaotic Domination

  • Return to the the back area of the lab and try to find a key hidden somewhere in the area. Once you find it unlock the door that leads to the hallways. Enter the "Huge Experimental Room" (you won't need a key because the door is slightly cracked open) and you will see CoCD right in front of you. It seems it had destroyed everything that was in the lab. This citadel is clearly unstable, so proceed with caution.

Palace of Mutated Punishment

  • Find a way to get into the vent that's located in the back area, then crawl in it. It will lead you to a mysterious small room that contains a puzzle. Once you solve the puzzle, a door will unlock, leading to the Unstable Experiments section, that contains Palace of Mutated Punishment.

Literally Not Even A Sweet Spire

  • Go to the scientist that is working on the Simple Experiments towers but this time don't talk to him. Instead, find a button that is hidden under the desk and click it. Now go to the Noob Section and go to DoFaS' portal. Go on top of it and enter a transparent wall that leads to LNaSS.

Citadel of Tick Tock Treachery

  • Complete Tower of Cruel Killbricks (ToCK), Tower Inconveniently and Cruelly Killed (TICK), AND Citadel of Chaotic Domination (CoCD), then head to TICK's warped portal room. Follow the steps that you would normally do to get to CoCD. When you reach that area, you will see a template Citadel portal (a gray portal with no name, hints, or portal itself) and an obstacle course. Complete the obby and you will reach a vent, go into it and avoid the instakills inside of it. Once all of this is done, you will drop into a dark, dark voided room. Walk through this room and eventually take a left. The room will start filling with clocks and gears. Continue walking and you will have reached Citadel of Tick Tock Treachery's portal room.

Towers in This Zone[]

Towers with Bold Text don't have a wiki page yet, but are completed.

Towers with Italic Text haven't been started or are linked but incomplete.

Feel free to create any gameplay for these listed towers if you want!

The Noob Section:[]

  • Spire of Another Win (SPoAW)
  • Steeple of Falling Upwards and that's it (SoFUati)
    • The Journey For Difficulties/World 2 (3) Includes 1 Sub-Difficulty (Rising)
  • The Journey For Difficulties/World 2 (4) Steeple of Automatic Joy (SoAJ)
  • The Journey For Difficulties/World 2 (5) Spire of Sliding Down Automatically (SPoSDA)
  • Steeple of More Than Just Jumping (SoMTJJ)
  • Spire of Cannons (SPoC)
    • The Journey For Difficulties/World 2 (8)The Journey For Difficulties/World 2 (9) Includes 2 Sub-Difficulties (Tap A Key and Cannonify)
  • The Journey For Difficulties/World 2 (11)The Journey For Difficulties/World 2 (12)The Journey For Difficulties/World 2 (13)The Journey For Difficulties/World 2 (14) Quadruple Spire of Wedges and Holes (QSPoWaH)
  • [Do A Wrap] Room of Doing a Wrap (RoDaW)
  • The Journey For Difficulties/World 2 (15) Donut of Frosting and Sprinkles (DoFaS)
  • Literally Not a Sweet Spire (LNaSS) (Secret) (will be featured on the Ring Select)

Simple Experiments:[]

  • Tower of An Actual Tutorial (ToAAT)
  • Snake of Wild, Wacky Winning (SNoWWW) (will be featured on the Ring Select)
  • Donut of Sundown (DoS) (will be featured on the Ring Select)
  • Tower of Normal Obstacles (ToNO)

Mild Experiments:[]

  • Y-Tower of Not Too Easy (YToNTE)
  • Tower of Overly Creative Floors (ToOCF) (will be featured on the Ring Select)
  • Steeple of Adventurous Rage (SoAR) (will be featured on the Ring Select)
  • Tower of Evolving Backwards (ToEB)

Tough Experiments:[]

  • Tower of Inconsistent Themes (ToIT)
  • Tower of Neon Destruction (ToND)
  • Urban of Dimension Hopping (UoDH) (will be featured on the Ring Select)
  • Zenith of Low Void (ZoLV)

Really Complex Experiments:[]

  • Tower of Horizontal Crossing (ToHC) (will be featured on the Ring Select)
  • Tower of Mildly Stupid Trials (ToMST)
  • Column of Brutal Torture (CMoBT)
  • Tower of Cruel Killbricks (ToCK)
  • Tower Inconveniently and Cruelly Killed (TICK)

Unstable Experiments:[]

  • Palace of Mutated Punishment (PoMP) (will be featured on the Ring Select)

Ring's Citadel(+):[]

  • Citadel of Chaotic Domination (CoCD) (will be featured on the Ring Select)
  • Citadel of Tick Tock Treachery (CoTTT) (will be featured on the Ring Select?)


  • Zone 0 Tower Rush (No SC's, No Pixel Towers, 226 Floors)

Pixel Towers:[]

  • Pixel of Win (PXoW)
  • Pixel Tower of Unlosable and Unfailable (PXToUaU)
  • Pixel Spire of Standing Joy (PXSPoSJ)
  • Pixel Climbing Simulator (PXCS)
  • The Journey For Difficulties/World 2 (42) Pixel Steeple of Even, EVEN Better Cakes (PXSoEEBC)
  • The Journey For Difficulties/World 2 (43) Not Even a Pixel (NEaPX) (Slightly hidden)
  • The Journey For Difficulties/World 2 (44) Pixel Citadel of Crazy at Killing Everyone (PXCoCaKE) {JOKE TOWER}


  • This is the first zone, or ring in general to have more than 25 towers in one single ring/zone.
  • This is the only zone in the game to have pixel towers due to them, despite being higher class 0 difficulties, are all just really Win towers.
  • This is the only zone in the game (currently) to have a soul-crushing citadel, with the rest being around difficult-remorseless.
    • However if you count sub Citadel tower types, then you could also consider soul-crushing Metropolises to be soul-crushing Citadels (with the next one being Metropolis of Toxic and Deadly Breach in Zone 2)
  • This zone has the most towers present on the Ring Select, having 7 Towers, 2 Citadels, and 1 Mini Tower.
  • This is the first zone to have more than one "mini tower" (LNaSS and NEaPX)
  • This is the only zone in the game to have the Quadruple Spire Tower Type.
  • This is the first and only zone to have a decimal as it's total tower type (that number being 30.386).
    • This is because of the Pixel Towers located in this zone.
The Journey For Difficulties/World 2 (2024)
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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

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Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.