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Choose your fun from Calendar listings Page 8D I frt Peggy Almond Alliance for Business and Training facilitator explains how': to determine if warranty is worth I spending the extra money for the i product during a Survival Skills for Women workshop Sharon Miller left and Carolyn Gentry make a list of smart shopping tactics tf ft W'gha' unWii'iaiiwraiiiii rfltf ME 9 A Bristol Herald Courier fl fl fl i'll flfl fl flk Bristol Virginia Tennessean 111 11 A A Sunday April 5 1 992 TrT7E'''Tr" fl fv 4 niL 9 A i BT fl I Im jv 44 l'" wl ww UlMM 41 I vs Ha 4 1 Um RE RSH MRBE WNM hm Effii gl ly A HI Mr wk 11 10k wm I 5 'sAkwBi EbbI hSi efif Trr wl tj IfB Bas! JA 8 hur iHL WL fl BHBBr1 vJ ySWBA! I of i 1 90 PEGGY hist ffHflb 'Mj xJ I i jf wsSa Et I I "2 HI ImBl iKBBPIIr 1 Hi kdBr I 4 ml gg JLb jik MJiai At Bk J9 yT JH a Tr va wi ''Vga El ra Bl nA nm WSl Wla I BL Jrw BBw I ffl 1 Wf A fl AkT I 1 I ii I it I I i TvV wr It fyi JsS TU tWfO 8 U4 itOQ i'o ivxwt MW Hi 4 4n nn Text: Laura McBride Photos: Bill McKee S2W lSK ft mw S48a I w' Examples from Survival Skills manual on how to construct a workable budget 2400 3500 1700 2000 24000 7000 self esteem and from simply not having learned the structure and dedication the workplace demands and teaches So a big and early part of each of the 10 sessions involves goal set ting or some the first goal is to get off public assistance we began the program we had an client come in and tell me want to live like this We were considering the program Sharon Reed listens as Peggy Almond asks for feedback concerning truth in advertising My Monthly Budget Planning Sheet 2 wl t(we MM Please see SKILLS Page 3D 1 He rh wspwrt 1 which we could only institute if we had 10 or more sign up She agreed to participate plus we got 10 more So the first class was 11 first goal was to get her GED (high school equiva lency diploma) Then she set an other goal: become an LPN She was one of 16 chosen by Slater She grad uated in March and had already been offered a job although she had not yet taken her state Al mond said And the lady has big plans for the future These successes have en couraged her to plan on becoming a registered nurse working full time as an LPN and going to school part time recent years we have seen articles about a Bill of Rights for those subjected to hospi tai stays an experience which often turns adults into children dependent on others to treat them properly There has been also an Bill of Rights to protect both do mestic and wild creatures And of course the US Constitution has a Bill of Rights which now several generations after women finally got the vote is said to protect rights of both men and women in this coun try However Women having had full rights more briefly than men sometimes need a separate Bill of Rights to en courage us to make use of our rights Survival Skills for Women a three month workshop designed by Linda Thurston PhD a research psychologist at Kansas State Uni versity and made available in Bris tol through the Alliance for Business Training contains Every Worn Bill of Rights Its 10 points are: right to be treated with respect The right to have and express your own feelings and opinions The right to be listened to and taken seriously The right to set your own prio rities The right to say NO without feeling guilty The right to ask for what you want The right to get what you pay for The right to ask for information from professionals The right to make mistakes believe she will Al mond said That lady is also an example of someone who actually benefits from the array of help available to those who want to improve their lives Aside from basic living assistance said Almond travel allowances for attending approved courses of study and child care assistance are also available And of course she exemplified the student who had never before been told she was worth anything a common plight among women whose education ended early and who have not had feedback from the work place of the exercises we do in volves putting a sheet of paper on 17500 3000 2500 3 3 9 i each back and on mine Then we all go around and write one positive trait about the When we are done and look at our own sheets it is always emotional Sometimes ladies break down and cry because they have never in their lives been told good things about themselves especially by relative Almond said Almond particularly enjoys that part of the seminar gives them the boost they she said to make a commitment to the rest of the sessions Almond herself avoids the role of teacher In fact why her title is facilitator try to blend in as a person I bounce material back at the patidpants for them to figure out I do not give The participants themselves who are asked for their opinions after the course has ended often dte the child management segment as one of the most valuable to their ev eryday lives not surprising i Said Almond Dr Thurston devel oped the seminar originally of mother child problems she ob served was working with handicapped children when she de veloped this program between 1979 and 1981 She realized she help the children because their moth ers needed so much Almond said 4 In Bristol many of the coursed partidpants said Ahnond are at disadvantage not only in the work place but in life because they school too early to develop the disd pline required for success in any thing So the course is designed so that no one can reedve her certifi cate if she has missed more than two of the weekly four hour workshops And said Almond as to homework of it! We have a prac tice project each week or example the finandal unit induded working! out a realistic budget In the self ad vocacy segment students are given the task of knowing their wants and I Almond said But they are not just cut loose to do it irst the dass discusses Rent Gas I Electricity Phone urniture 1 Grocer Spending ood Clothes matter what their situa tion they all seemed to feel there was no one else like them You can tell them not the only said Almond but unless there is peer support and a means to cope with troubling situations it does no good Although some of the 29 who have partidpated in the workshops so far have been displaced employ ees many of the ladies said Al mond have not worked outside the The right to choose not to as home and are suffering from low sen yoursen the foundation on which a lO unit workshop teaching Survi 'val Skills for Women is based had been with Alliance for Business Training (ABT) for six years when I realized we needed something more for some of the la dies who come through our other programs We were seeing such feel ings of powerlessness and hopeless said Peggy Almond Survival Skills facilitator Jk i fa AlesM'sJSjlls uA Check $62500 i rV'iiif rtr 5 1 i.
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