The Herald-News from Passaic, New Jersey (2024)

THE HERALD-NEWS, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1955 PuMlc-Cliftoti, N. J. 1,138 im Colorful School Bunds to Perform in Clifton ermer. Captain of Flag Wavers: Helen Barton. Twirling Captain: Patricia Stauble.

Color Guard: Paul Sieber, Roger Dykstra, James Cherry, Edward Fink, Richard Schlcnker. Musicians: William Ashendorf, John Betz, Richard Bonnford, Dickson Despommier, Grace Durovich, Gerald Fleischli, Kenneth Fitzgerald, Nancy Gersh-man, Alan Grapel, Bcttiann Hiatt, Walter Kipp, Catherine Andrea Burgess, Marcia Caldwell, John Cebrowski, Ralph Ceci, Gayle Childs. Jo-Ann Christen, Santo Cicer-ello, Irene Collins, Jane Corrigan, Rosemarie Corso, Mary Lou DAndrea, Carol Delakian, Inge-burg Dietrich, Pat Drecksagc, Diane Drotos, Dot Esoldl, Roger Ferguson, Graham Gilbert, Bill Gonzalez, Nancy Gwqldo, James Healy, Margaret Hundley, Peggy Jahn bara Sanders, Barbara SchoelW horn, Elsie Tatarko, Harriet Ulrich, Leslie Urquhart, Marion Vivino. Color Guard: Virginia Henderson, Antoinette Navikas, Sharon Shire. a i 1 a Joseph Autera, Elaine Boyd, Susan Boyd, Marcia Brcur, Richard Bristol, Frank Cimmino, Robert DAndre, Jacqueline Eisde, Barbara Fullard, Michael Grossl, Allen Holliday, Edward Hanna, Donald Heller- man, Gerald Herman, Beverly 1, George Karamanol, Stanley Karamanol, Ann King.

Beth Kingma, Carol Kmbbs, Doris Kmbbs, Judith Koch, Janice Kilmer, Robert Langhage, Jay Lee, Lewis Little, Pamela Neal Bonsantl, Charles Ccrbasi, Graham Semarod, George Andrew. Wayne High School Music and Band Director: Robert Escott, Majorette Captain: Georglanna Van Lenten. Captain of Flag Twirlers: Joan Scher. Captain of Color Guard: Diane Sutcliffe. Twirlers, Linda Harrington, Darlene Althuser, Patricia Au-tera, Doris Knapp, Margaret Knieps, Alice Kuser, Anna May Mitton, Adele Muenster, Beatrice Powell, Judith Powell; Shirley Telschow.

Flag Twirlers: Martha Andrus, Diane Lauster, Barbara Leh- Sandy Hock, Francine Salerno, A1 Ed Roeser, August Noto, Dominick Passaro. John Walters, Clark Cordon, Dave Blyth, Geraldine Hamilton, Don Kenyon, A1 Saporito, Joyce Ackerman. Pete Zwall, Robert Den Bleyker, Wayne Harrison, Bradley Simmons, Lorraine Carolyn Klleber, Ronald Ku-' Lang, Leo McMenimem. Richard a. HlAiNAaolii rh AVIA XImkiU lAkn Charles John Mescrole, Merritt, dander, Jean Pellechio, Larry Rosen, Bob Schneider, Walter Stegmann, Henry Thiessen, Susan Vahle, Vincent Villani.

Ronald Walker, Larry Walton, Donna Weiler, Robert Reitsema, Richard Marino, Ralph La Porte, Gcffery Geiger. Terry. Givinup, Band Director: Miss Lila Jack-ion Drum Major: Ronald Zimmer. Majorette Leader: Marion Firth. Flag Bearers: John Bleignicr and Bob Niell.

Twirlers: Bonnie Brown, Yvonne Frawley, Betty Hutt-man, Way McCormick, Loii McKinnon, Maida Arvidson, Beverly Blcnderman, Marilyn Charda voyne, Patricia Niblock, Florence Parks, Zana Platz, Sandra Tintle, Donna Vreeland. Musicians: William Abato, Gerald Adler, Jeanne Allen, Turid Anderson, Jack Baumann, Byron Bradbury, Curtis Brad bury, Barbara Cahill, Joyce hill, Thomas Conklin, Roger Cook, Sal DAllesandro, Arlene Dunay, David Dunthorn, James Elsenbrock, Keith Elvin, Leroy Fox, Richard Gormley, Barbara Gould, William Gray, Gordon Haaland, Joan Haaland, Richard Hartwig, Roger Hecht Mary Hedges, Scott Hendrickson, Joanne Hennessey, Kenneth Hirsch, Richard Hiller, John Jones, William Jones, Evelyn Kenyon, Austin Koenen, Carolyn Krattlger, Thomas Kusant, Joseph Landry, Dennis Locke, Judy Lohrey, Pearl Lundy, Susan Mackey, Chester Marion, Lynn Marko. Sue Marko, Francis McCue, Jack Meier, Bruce Mele, Barbara mann, Kate NeVirings; Rosemary Luks, Joan Lynch, William Mac-Paldoff, Elizabeth Phelan, Bar-1 1.13S In Colorful. Pago 8 dile, Don Loesch, Arthur Mac-Hugh, David MacPherson, Arlene Maihack, June Maihack, John Mojoros, Ethel Malsy, Carol Meyer, Jean Meyer, John Nico-losi George Obssuth, James Pa-duch, Jack Peters, Margaret Peters, David Pike, Christine Pra, Kenneth Rahn, Kay Ruegger, Edward Hamm, Jackie Safran, Robert Shaw, Roger Sodora, Dick Sullivan, Leo Tedesco, Virginia True, Grae Eleanor Vrablik, Bob Vrablick, Adrien Wilson. Passaic Valley H.

S. Music and Band Director: Peter V. Sirch. Drum Major: Paula Becker. Head Twirler: Beatrice Reda.

Twirlers: Bajbara Carpenter, Gloria Cole, Donna Cuozzo, Bar bara Padula, Raelene Rydzik, n. In the 15 bands which will appear in the first section of The Ninth Annual North Jersey High School Band Festival sponsored by The Herald-News at Clifton Stadium this evening are 1,138 musicians, color guardsmen, twirl-era, majorettes and other performers. The personnel of the organizations, in the order of their appearance on the field, follows: Fair Lawn High School Music end Band Director: L. Barry Tedesco. Majorettes: Judy firigliadora, Cail Cohoon, Louise Otirrabrant, Caro Hoefer, Barbara Boudreau, Rita Mainardi, Linda Cartwright, Diane Huizinga, Eunice Jeynes.jRicnstra.

Mane Johannsen, Nancy Arlene Aansom. Madeline Senna, Diane Smith, Ann Spinella, Connie Zwirck, Lois Page, Kathy Richardson, Linda Yglesias. Peggy Weintry. Banner Carriers: Cindy Schuler, Marilyn Meola, Jean Barnard, Felicia Canger, Patricia Hardy, Mary CrookalL Color Guard: Elaine Brlnlnger, Judy Campbell, Nancy Dail, Sharon Johnson, Ann Mac Fellan, Jean Ryerson, Joleen Boyer, Dori Sauter, Jane Cramoaond, Pat Sheppard. Musicians: Kenneth Berkowitz.

Richard Bernstein, Alan Cooper, Conrad Torys, Joel Gold, John Kamphouse, Donald Landyettel, Boyd Schroeder, Raymond Sper-ber, David Van Tosh, John Aver-a, Larry Treimauer, Robert layer, Allen Gottlieb, Alfred Klein. Jack Marion, Walter Marr, Albert Mayer, Lee Morris, Alan Newman, Ralph Pine, John Robert Scechtman, John Ba-luski, Gory Cohen, Michael Jer-ria, Barry Gold, Robert Harwick, Stephen Lichenstem, Richard Mitchell, Douglas Nagan, Elbert Ochs, Eugene Rocmery, Stanley Rusakiewicz, David i i Wayne Simpson, Arthur Strauss. Larry Tedesco, Steve Mike Williamson, Arthur Wolf, Susan Cassel, Barbara Holmberg. Shirley Katy, Diane Klepper, Carmela Mioccio, Alice Mohring, Beverly Orlikoff, Carol Sinken-son. Arlene Somariva.

Cora Goldstein, Carole Weber, Joyce Lois Fox, Betty Greimer, Anna Marcahis, Barbara McQuiston, Marilyn Mick-lus, Joyce Savage, Betty Schaefer, Jean Simpson, Carol Sismi-lich, Janet Stephens, Barbara Clements, Diane Davilp, Gail Pius, Agnus Wright Lyndhurst High School Music and Band Director: An-thony Ciarlo. Majorette: June Chamberlain Majorette Leader: Pat Heffron Color Guard Captain: Jane Lip pincott Twirlers: Valerie Valentine, Sandra Donten, Mary Ann DAm-brisi, Lucille Shell, Ethel Kurilla, Janet Hickey, Arlene Lies; Pat Spino, Judy Pinl. Color Guard: June Cole, Barbara Cumminsky, Judy Longo, Carol Heyler. Musicians: John Birch, Blanche Mosezar, Vicky Kwiatkawskl, Louise Lienhard, Edna 0 Meyer, Mary Jane Moeller, kBlHiLucile Santoloei, Janet Sharp, Montgomery, Stuart freU Merton Van Valkenburg, Jane way YOUR OLD COAT CAN MAKE SOMEBODY VERY HAPPY! Johnson. Head Majorette: Gloria Stoehr.

Majorettes: Helen Stavrou, Nora Doris Stoever, Sue Miner ly, Claire Cavaliere, Jane Casbar, Nancy Chiappelone, Ann Albanese. Color Guards: Ruthe Henecker, Pat Zimmerman, Dawn Kamln ski, Isabel Squires. Musicians: Althea Wallace, Sally Dawson, Gerry Barudin, Michael Chuse, Buzzy Klopp, Bob Gorman, Herb Vollman, Bon Martin, Larry Linford, John Su-ter, Barry Fait, Carolyn Otte, Penny Woellert, Henry Sill, Jeff Irving, Dave Zubin, George Pratt, John Wyburn, Herb Hill, Ed Mauiro, Welton Wells, Rodney Schuller. Bonny Gold, Rcine Reele, Roger Price, Steve Dempsey, Bob Pendleton, Hunt Griffiths, Bruce Kovacs, Leonard Byrd, Bill Davidson, Charles Keating, John Brecker, Joslyn Blace. Margaret Thomas, Jim' Wallace, Nancy Wood, Barbara Buck-waiter, Steve Rogow, Thomell Gregg, Tom Romans, Ted Jacobsen, Tom Parsons, Bob Levine, Delina Janes.

Kathy Sharp, Evelyn Hulst, Andy Jaeger, Richard Hirsch, Bob Cotto, Roger Haenelt, Malcolm Deitch, Larry JCopper-smith, Jim Young, Dan Moore, Barbara Jackman, Jean Gregg. Joel Vollmer, Phyllis Oren, Pete Dybwad, Vernon Bortz, Penny Eckert, Bob Gehner, Jack Lenox, Paul Burrowes, Bard Young. Nutley High School Music Supervisor: Dr. Ernest Ersfeld. Band Director: Lester Hrbek.

Drum Major: Richard Leslie. Head Twirler: Carolyn TiUou, Captain of Color Guard: Ronald Kulick. Twirlers: 1 Gladys Farina, Peggy Griffin, Martha Hatch, Carole Sisbarro, Carolyn Holveck, Marilyn Moe-hius. Musicians: Albert Allen, Carl Arnold, Charles Barbata, Alison Beck, Sharon Beck, Patricia Becker, Robert Beers, William Bimbl, Joan Bindi, George Boudreau, John Bowkley, William Browne, Ira Buckalter, Michael Cebrick, Ricky Clark, Robert Nancy Davis, Robert Deemer, Donald Donbrosky, Ernest Ersfeld, Jack Feggeler, Robert Forester, Robert Gibson, David Goble, Steven Goldberg, Carl Gommoll, Gerald Goodman, Roberta Grehl, Thomas Hartmann, James Hascup, Robert Heigis, John Hossenlopp, David Huntting. Robert Ianneci, Paul Irish, Richard Klein, Joan Krumbeck, William Lipkin, Donald Mar-chese, Dorothy Marrison, Ramon Matheau, Robert Messer, Joyce Mittelstead, John McKlein, Ralph Ortiz, Doris Oswandel, Joseph Peccarelli.

Raymond Pereira, Roberta Reed, John Rinaldi, Mary Kay Scott, George Shelly, David Shriver, William Shoop, Bradley Smith, Fredrich Snyder, Kenneth Soden, Mary Sosnoski, William Tangorra, Rosanna Tangorra, Susan Teitel, Efreda Waldman, Robert Whitefleet, Joyce Wind-heim, Joseph Thor, Lois LARKEY DONATES YOUR OLD Frank Muth, Frank Parisi, Gqr aid Parisi, John Parisi, Robert Pauli, Virginia Peek, Louise Peterson, Jean Prall, Diane Rankin. Lee Richards, George Richardson, Linda Riley, Russell Riley, David Rohlander, Carolyn Searles, Daniel Snover, Robert Steele, Eleanor Sweett, Barbara L. Terhune, Douglas Townsend, Winfield Turk, Bill Valentien. Margie Van Luvender, Ned Wade, Richard Walek, Dee Walker, Benson Wallis, Barbara Ward, William Wood, James Worden, Ross Yeisley. Hasbrouck Heights H.

S. Music and Band Director: Raymond Westerdale. Drum Majorette: Wilma Butterfield. Majorette Captains: Harriet Shaljian, Margie Limburg. Captains of Flag Twirlers: Margie Semancik, Barbara Henne.

Musicians: Fred Allen, Carol Banks, Joyce Barwick, Leslie Barwick, Marion Bendian, Jo-Ann Bannano, Byron Roselene. Color Guard: Michael Freund, Joseph Giglio, Frank Leah, Fred Maynard. Musicians: Grey Budelman, Carolyn Carter, Lina Dutches, Fred Hohn, Bernard Krap, Vena Marshall, Marilyn Pardine, James Price, Ellen Schneider, Werner Wilhelm, Anthony Fio-rella, Peter Francisco, William Nearing, Barbara Saffert, Mary Ann Weir. Frank DeMore, Edwin Lauwe, Daniel Kobrlka, Robert Sokal-ski, James Weir, John Zarpaylic, John Glger, Lee Wright, Peter Pardine, John Lewis, Alan Lombardi, Neil Battagliese, John Piccolo, Joan Guthrie, Richard Hogarth, Robert LePre, Charles Pullara. Ronald Pelachyk.

Pat Van Guilder, David Mac-Laren, John McKinnes, Thomas Pollock. Dumont High School Music and Band Director: Vincent E. Portner. Head Majorette: Janette Stu- COAT TO THE SALVATION ARMY, THE MT. CARMEL GUILD, THRIFT HOUSE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN, AND GIVES YOU A $10.00 Kindel-berger, Ted Stammer, Robert Maroni, Arlene Delfino, Harry Graffam, Thomas Lohman, John CampaneUo.

Frances Martoglio, Concetta Dent, Eleanor Mosezar, David Cafaro, Julius Single, Michael Faulconer, John Mahoney, Edward Brehm, Sigmund Wisniewski, Richard Penwarden, Edward Johnson. Anna Mae Horvath, John De-necke, Mathew Tamaro, Catherine Strohler, Bevely Bush, Joseph Livclli, Paul Zelinsky, Anthony Cirone, Peter Critelli, Patricia Cumminsky. Louis Chiocco, Marilyn Ham-ma, Andrew Smith, Lorraine Ci-cerelli, George Couch, Anthony Politz, Ronald Scalera, Lucy Cookson, James McNamara and Jeffrey Osias. Leoma High School Music and Band Director: Leroy Lenox. Assistant Band Director: Edward Stroh.

Drum Majorette: Florence! ALLOWANCE TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF A NEW COATI Hawthorne High School Music Supervisor: Mrs, Evelyn S. Hartmann; Band Director: R. Theodore Pizzarello. Drum Majorette: Diane Taylor; Twirler Leader: Gloria Gnade; Color Guard Captain: Carole Babitz. Twirlers: Sandra Simmons, Bertha Marshall, Stella Groff, Lois Kaack, Madeline Bellofatto, Nancy Carroll, Judy La Roe, Marion Winquist, Gladys Stel-imgwerf, Mary Luscher, Thea Schoonyoung, Marlene Morris.

Color Guard: Judy De Noble, Jeanette Terhorst, Trudy Groen-dyk, Vickie Ingmo, Marie Pel-lecchla, Judy Mozzella. Musicians: Herman Voogel, Paul Galluccio, Jack Van Blar-com, Joe Rascio, Paul Erickson, Richard Cuccinelll, Wdliam Agnoli, Gene Picciotti, Jack Trend, Richard Siccama. A1 Marchitto, Louise Ramsay, George Loehwing. Carol Coots, Frank Elliott Tom Fleisher, Butler High School Music and Band Director: Charles K. Harris.

Assistant BROADLOOMS SINCE 1898i Maian'der GDa.dIeBDD aDDwam UD DTJDOEnl THIS WEB! 0I11Y- OCT. 10th Him OCT. 15th This is the kind of deal where EVERYBODY comes out ahead! tarkey knows there are wearabfe mens coats hanging in New Jersey closets that are a little past their prime, larkey knows there are lots of folks thruout the world to whom these coats would be life-savers. So tarkey does something about it! BRING IN A WEARABLE MANS COAT AND LARKEY WILL ALLOW YOU $10.00 ON IT TOWARD A NEW TOPCOAT, OVERCOAT OR ZIP-COATI LARKEY WILL DONATE THESE OLD COATS IN YOUR NAME FOR RELIEF DISTRIBUTION TO THE SALVATION ARMY. THE MT.

CARMEL GUILD, AND THRIFT HOUSE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN. Youll be well-dressed, you will be $10.00 ahead and youll be doing a good turn all at the same time! (Only 1 coat allowance toward eoch new coat purchase, of eoursej) BRING III YOUR OLD COAT SAVE All ADDITIONAL SI0.C3 Oil AMERICAS FINEST COATS TABLE LAMP VALUES! 3-PIy LUXURY TWIST This if net ordinary Twist, but axtra heavy 3-ply all wool luxury Twist, wave by the world's largest carpet mid to give many yean of extra wear. Outstanding for its durability densely woven easy to keep dean, and made te wear like iron. 9, 12 end 1 5 -foot widths. Four decorator color.

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59.50 55 5950 49-50 NORMALLY 3 SHELF UTILITY TABLE Far baabt, wayarlaat. Cap ilw bf vtrt as a aarviac takla. 17 bifke Um. 13 widt. ALEXANDER SMITH TWISTS CONVENIENT CREDIT TERMS NO DOWN PAYMENT 3 YEARS TO PAY bit" tU toots to Mttfy boys, larkty fje SS.00 AU0VA8CE toearj Km pordwst of any I eintor MUrtoU or I lipcoU.

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a mtla taat af B4a IT tad waat af Trafkc ClrcU at Liula Farry. Fhon HUIBARD 7-2432 Meniey le rider 9 A. M. to 9 t. M.

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The Herald-News from Passaic, New Jersey (2024)


What is the nickname for Passaic New Jersey? ›

Passaic has been called "The Birthplace of Television".

Is Passaic New Jersey a good place to live? ›

Passaic is a relatively inexpensive suburb of NYC. Living in the Passaic Park section offers added safety and family friendly areas with a lovely duck pond and walking paths. Passaic is starting to build a lot more buildings, schools, and stores. Giving many people opportunities for more work and better education.

What is the history of Passaic New Jersey? ›

Originally inhabited by the Lenape Native Americans before European settlement, the City of Passaic was incorporated in 1873 and was named after the Passaic River, which flows through the city. Passaic's location on the Passaic River made it an important center for trade and commerce.

Where is the Joliet Herald-news? ›

The Herald-News is a prominent newspaper and magazine company located at 2175 Oneida Street in Joliet, IL, offering a wide range of local news and information to its readers.

What is the largest town in Passaic County NJ? ›

Paterson (/ˈpætərsən/ PAT-ər-sən) is the largest city in and the county seat of Passaic County, in the U.S. state of New Jersey.

What is the old name for Jersey? ›

The Latin name Caesarea was also applied to the colony of New Jersey as Nova Caesarea. Andium, Agna and Augia were used in antiquity. Scholars variously surmise that Jersey and Jèrri derive from jǫrð (Old Norse for 'earth') or jarl ('earl'), or perhaps the Norse personal name Geirr (thus Geirrsey, 'Geirr's Island').

What is the crime rate in Passaic, NJ? ›

-Passaic: The overall crime rate in Passaic was 241.92, including a violent crime rate of 57.64 and a property crime rate of 184.28.

What is the poverty rate in Passaic NJ? ›

Poverty & Diversity

21.9% of the population for whom poverty status is determined in Passaic, NJ (15.3k out of 69.7k people) live below the poverty line, a number that is higher than the national average of 12.5%.

What is the ethnicity of Passaic County? ›

The largest Passaic County racial/ethnic groups are Hispanic (43.2%) followed by White (39.4%) and Black (10.1%).

Are there alligators in the Passaic River? ›

Officials captured an alligator in the Passaic River on July 8, 2015, the state DEP said. The animal weighs between 25 and 30 pounds, the spokeswoman said.

Is the Passaic River freshwater or saltwater? ›

Above the dam the river is freshwater. Below the dam, the river is tidal. The lower Passaic River is a mixture of freshwater and salt water.

What happened to the Passaic River? ›

The Passaic is one of the nation's most polluted bodies of water for 17 miles from the dam to Newark Bay, and the lower portion has been designated a Superfund site. Because it connects to the bay, the lower portion of the river is tidal, so pollutants can be swept up and down the river over time.

Why live in Joliet? ›

Joliet is a suburb of Chicago with a population of 150,221. Joliet is in Will County. Living in Joliet offers residents a sparse suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Joliet there are a lot of parks.

Is all of Joliet in Will County? ›

Joliet (/ˈdʒoʊliɛt, dʒoʊliˈɛt/ JOH-lee-et, joh-lee-ET) is a city in Will and Kendall counties in the U.S. state of Illinois, 35 miles (56 km) southwest of Chicago. It is the county seat of Will County.

Is Joliet IL growing? ›

Joliet Is On The Rise

Joliet, known as “J-Town,” is Illinois' fastest growing city and one of the fastest growing in the Chicago metro area. It offers something for just about everyone with its family-friendly atmosphere, thriving downtown district rich in history.

What is Passaic County NJ known for? ›

Passaic county was founded in 1837 and named for the Passaic River. The industrial cities of Paterson, Passaic, and Clifton help make manufacturing (plastics and search and navigation equipment) the main economic activity. Also important are health and business services. Area 185 square miles (479 square km).

What is the nickname for Paterson NJ? ›

The height of Paterson's industrial strength came in the 1890s. While there had been silk mills in the city since the mid-1800s, by the end of the 19th century the explosive growth and density of silk manufacturers earned Paterson the nickname "Silk City".

What is the main nickname of New Jersey? ›

Origins of the Nickname

Abraham Browning of Camden is given credit for giving New Jersey the nickname the Garden State.

What do locals call Jersey City? ›

Chilltown was coined as the hot nickname for Jersey City decades ago. It's a vibe, a feeling you get when you cross the Hudson and get off the PATH and arrive in JC. For residents, JC will always be the home of chill.

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.