The Herald-News from Passaic, New Jersey (2024)

Passale-Clifton, N. J. THE HERALD-NEWS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1960 Afternoon Bridal For Miss Smith Will Be Married To W. J. Thompson At St: Paul's Church Miss, Rosalie Patricia Smith, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Smith, 960, Main Avenue, Passaic, will become the bride of Warren J. Thompson, of Clifton, Saturday, 3:30 afternoon, ceremony April will be 23. at St. Paul's R.

C. Church, Clifton. Mrs. Joseph Pila will be her sister's honor attendant. Another sister, Kathleen, will be bridesmaid with the groom's sister, Kay, and Miss Maria Seragusa, of Passaic.

Patricia Smith will be flower girl for her sister. and Mrs. Joseph Thompson, The is the son of Mail Harding Avenue. Joseph Liptak, of Clifton, will usher with the bride's cousin, William Sasiela, of Wallington, the bride's brothers, John Charles, as and junior ushers. After a reception at the Silver Star, Clifton, the couple will leave for a honeymoon in New State.

They will live in Clifton. Miss Smith is with Oneida Paper Company, Clifton. Mr. Thompson is with S. B.

Penniek Company, Lyndhurst. Witnesses Meet In Morristown Jehovah's Witnesses of New Jersey Circuit No. 1 will hold their semi-annual assembly Friday through Sunday at the Morristown National Guard Armory. Members of the Passaic congregation will be among the group from 20 congregations in five counties that will be represented at the gathering. Thomas Rossier, presiding minister of the local congrega-80 tion, will conduct a demonstration showing the most effective way of starting Bible studies in home.

Mrs. Rossier, Dolores Moore, Joyce McCully, Rose Runk, Stanley and Pauline Slota will participate. Albert Mueller, assistant to Mr. Rossier, will address assembly the subject, "Guarding Freedom, for Doing the of Mrs. Completfax well and Mrs.

Helen Hart, both of Clifton, also will have a part in Friday evening's program. The theme of the assembly will be "Seek Peace and Pursue A prominent feature will be the public address by Frank Spacil, a district supervisor for the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, on the topic, "Finding Peace in This Troubled World" at 3 p.m. Sunday. Mrs. Bowen Serving On Dinner Committee Mrs.

Serena P. Bowen, 76 Mineral Spring Avenue, Passaic, is a member of the Rutgers Law School Alumni Association comTuesday, April Hotel for its dinner House, Newark. Mrs. Bowen is a member of the class of 1954. A STYLE FABRIC designed for every Fashions inc UNIFORMS Sizes to fit UNIFORMS BY Gallants 180 JEFFERSON ST.

PR. 7-3041 PASSAIC Noelene Audrey Rainey Miss Rainey Selects Her Attendants Will Become Bride Of Peter Perrotta Monday, May 30 Miss. Noelene Audrey Rainey, of Clifton, and Peter Vincent Perrotta, of Paterson, will be married at a 10:30 nuptial mass Monday, -May 30, in St. Philip the Apostle R. C.

Church, Clifton. The bride is the daughter of p*rn and Emerson Mrs. Street. Joseph L. Miss Rainey, Claire Scherer, of Paterson, will be honor maid.

Bridesmaids will be Misses Dolores Brino, of Paterson, and Patricia Prelick, of East Paterson. Jean Perrotta, of New Brunswick, will be flower girl. Joseph Mazzarella, of Lake Parsippany, will serve as best man. Joseph Perrotta, of New Brunswick, will with David Nielsen, of Trenton. The groom is the son of and Mrs.

Joseph. E. Perrotta, 395 Union Avenue. A reception will be held at the Royal Hawaiian Palms, Lyndhurst. After a Miami honeymoon the couple will live in Paterson.

Miss Rainey is a private secretar with Construction Company, Clifton. Mr. Perrotta was graduated from Trenton State Teachers College where he was member of Phi Alpha Delta Fraternity, He is manager of Jean's Shop, Paterson. Friendship Club To Present Program Friendship Club of the Clifton Jewish Center will present the program tomorrow evening when Clifton B'nai B'rith Women meet at the center. Mrs.

Solomon Susselman is program chairman. Members of the club senior citizens of the center, who will are Danish, Abe participate Morris Kossman, Max Rabkin, Arthur Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Goldman and Mmes. Robert Blumenfeld, Samuel Kirsch, J.

Katz and Y. Markowitz. The chapter has presented a book to the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Four Freedoms Library in the B'nai B'rith Building Washington, D. in memory of the late Mrs. Abe Barth, a charter member.

Mrs. William Goldstein will be in charge of hospitality. Slovak Church Lists Holy Week Services Holy Name Slovak Catholic Church, Passaic, will observe Maundy Thursday with a high mass at 9 a.m. and a 7:30 evening service. Mass of the Presanctified will be at 9 a.m.

Good Friday and the evening service will begin at 7:30 with Slovak and English sermons. On Holy Saturday, the traditional blessing of fire, water, Paschal candle and baptismal font will begin at 8 a.m. with a high mass at 9 a.m. Easter will be blessed at 4 p.m. The resurrection service and procession will be held at 7:30 p.m.

You'll have a To Happier EASTER with HOME MADE Flora Mir Candy Decorative Easter Baskets Chocolate Bunnies Gift Assortments Eggs Cutest Easter toys arranged with delicious FLORA-MIR candies that children love! Flora Mir? Candy 28 Broadway GRegory 3-7554 rassaic Anywhere We Mail OPEN EASTER SUNDAY UNTIL 2 P.M. Bergen Girl To Be Bride At St. Leo's Florence Plans May 1 Wedding To Martin P. Tecza A reception at the Neptune Inn, Paramus, will follow the wedding of Miss Florence Annazone, of East Paterson, and Martin P. Tecza, of Wood-Ridge, at 4:30, Sunday afternoon, May 1, in St.

Leo's R. C. Church, East Paterson. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Gabriel Annazone, 399 Dye Avenue.

Miss Mary Ann Italiano, of East Rutherford, will be honor attendant. Bridesmaids will be Misses Angela Carbone, of East Rutherford; Bianco, of Hasbrouck Heights; Kay Ginex, of Wood-Ridge, Sharon Froehlich, of Clifton. The groom's niece, Alena Bruno, will be flower girl. Richard Tecza will be best man for his brother. They are sons of Mr.

and Mrs. Martin A. Tecza, 476 Windsor Road. The bride's cousin, John Annazone, of Passaic, will, usher with Andrew Piazza Albert Cameron, East Rutherford, the groom's cousin, Charles Territo, of Paterson. Charles Bonito, of East Paterson, will be ring bearer.

The couple will live in East Paterson after a Florida honeymoon. Miss Annazone is with Interstate Motor Freight Company, Carlstadt. Mr. Tecza is with James J. Sentner, Smith Jordan, North Bergen truckers.

Irene Rose Bride Of Robert Hemppies Robert Remppies, of Stratford, N.J., and his bride, the former Irene Rose, of Garfield, are on a wedding trip through Southern states following the marriage Sunday. They exchanged vows at a candelight ceremony in the Ampere Parkway Presbyterian Church, Bloomfield. The reception was at Robin Hood Inn. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence Rose, 11 Hillside Terrace, wore a gown of candlelight tissue taffeta fashioned with a scoop neckline with a double organdy collar. A matching organdy bow held her veil and she carried white violets. Mrs. Gustav Remppies, of Dover, the groom's sister-in-law, was matron of honor in a ballerinalength gown of blue silk organza with a headdress of pink forgetand a short veil. She carried pink carnations.

Gustav Remppies was his best man. They are sons of Mrs. Gustav Remppies, 4 White Horse Pike, and the late Mr. Remppies. Mrs.

Remppies, a graduate of: Paterson State College, is a teacher at School 6, Garfield. Her husband, a graduate of the West same Orange college, is School a teacher System. in He attends evening classes at Rutgers University. Antique Club Hears David Taylor Monday David Taylor, of Elkins Park, will address the 'Antique Club of New Jersey at 8:30 p.m. Monday at the Social Agencies Building, Montclair.

His subject will be "The Spy and the Traitor" dealing with the classic case of the treason of Benedict Arnold. Mr. Taylor is the author "Lights Across the Delaware" and "Farewell to Valley He has received an award of merit from the Germantown Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, the Huguenot Cross from the Huguenot Society of Pennsylvania and the George Washington Medal from Freedom Foundation, for his contribution made to colonial history through research and writing. Mrs. Harry Vail will lead a forum at 7:30 p.m.

on teen-ware. FOR Easter Enhance that ORCHIDS 1 Spring Outfit with Orchids Large Single Flower DOUBLE ORCHID CORSAGES ORCHID CORSAGE ONLY $3.00 ONLY STILL $4.00 STUNNING NEW WHITE "CYMBIDIUM" ORCHID CORSAGES ORCHID CORSAGES IN PASTEL SHADES OF $4.00 $5.00 BROWN, BEIGE AND PINK, WHITE. GREEN, PHONE TODAY COME IN OR $4.00 $5:00 MacKay Orchids PASSAIC AVE. at ALLWOOD RD. Clifton near Nutley Line (ADJACENT TO CREST HAVEN CEMETERY) Phone GRegory 3-3366 Wood-Ridge Couple Sets May Wedding Audrey Streichert And Neil Erickson To Exchange Vows Joseph Spinellas Married 25 Years Audrey Streichert Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Spinella, 283 Summer Street, Passaic, were honored at a surprise dinner party celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary at Nestor's, Singac. Hosts to 25 guests were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J.

Spinella, of Passaic. The Spinellas were married April 6, 1935 in Garfield. She is the former Jean Cuoco, daughter of Jack Cuoco, of Passaic, and the late Mrs. Cuoco. Mr.

Spinella is with the Passaic Fire Department. They have one grandson, Gary Spinella. Among the party guests were Mr. Spinella's mother and Mrs. were Spinella's Mr.

father. Spinella's Other brothers guests their wives, Salvatore and James, of Garfield, Charles of East Paterson, and, Stephen, of Saddle Brook; Mrs. Spinella's brothers-in-law and sisters, Mr. Mrs. Frank, (Rose) Le Gala and Mr.

Orie (Angie) Dekker, of Clifton, Mr. and Mrs. John (Mary) Ordini and Mr. and Mrs. Edward (Sarah) Schoen, of Passaic, and Mrs.

Spinella's brother his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cuoco, of Clifton. Lyndhurst Juniors Elect Mrs. Letcher Mrs.

Joseph Letcher was elected president of the Lyndhurst Junior Woman's Club last evening at St. Thomas' Episcopal Church. She will succeed Mrs. John Borresen. Other elected were Salvatore officers, and Mrs.

Robert Borton, vice-presidents; Mrs. J. F. Frimmel, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Robert Olsen, recording secretary, and Mrs.

Carl Schlesinger, treasurer. The program was a demonstration on the making of flowers, by Mrs. Fred Taub. Favors made by the members will be sent to the Old Ladies' Home, Hackensack. A pledge was made toward the Hackensack Hospital building fund.

The club' will sponsor the Mental Health drive which opens on May 1. Miss Edna Darella will be the Junior Club delegate to the Citizenship Institute in June at Douglass College. Mrs. John Hall took third place in the district sewing contest Monday in Union City. An invitation to attend guest night at the Belleville Junior Woman's Club, was accepted.

Mrs. Joseph Wilczinski is chairman for a fashion show May 4 at St. Thomas' Church. Miss Audrey Streichert and Neil Erickson, both of WoodRidge, will exchange wedding vows at an 11 o'clock nuptial Saturday, May 7 in Assumption R. C.

Church, WoodMiss Streichert is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August 428 Main Avenue. Mr. Erickson's parents are Mr.

and Mrs. Frederick Erickson, 178 Lincoln Avenue. Mrs. Arthur Candy, of Rutherford, will be matron of honor for Miss Streichert. Bridesmaids will be Mrs.

Gerald Streichert, of Oakland; Mrs. Paul Moran, of Carlstadt; and Mrs. Alan Jack Moran, of North Wolek, of Bergenfield. Bergen, will serve as best man. Gerald Streichert will usher with Robert O'Neil, of Wood-Ridge.

Miss Streichert is a teller at the South. Bergen Savings and Loan A Association, Wood-Ridge. of Mr. Erickson, a Fairleigh Dickinson University, is with Babbitt, Inc. The Bride- was honored shower for 25 guests at a Caughey's Restaurant, were East Rutherford.

Hostesses. Mrs. George Degman Mrs. John Moran, of Jersey City, Mr. Erickson's aunts.

Phyllis Levine's Troth Announced Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Phyllis Levine, of Bayonne, to Ronald Mencis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mencis, 74 Heights Road, Clifton. Miss Levine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Max Levine, 31 West 45th Street, is a graduate of Jersey City State College and is a first grade teacher in UnionCity. Mr. Mencis was graduated from the University of Boston and is with Garfield Express Company. He served with the Army in Germany. An 14 wedding is planned: Retired Bishop Guest at St.

John's The Rt. Rev. Shirley H. Nichois, STD, of Montclair, retired missionary bishop of Salina, Kansas, will confirm the 1960 class at St. John's Episcopal Church tomorrow evening, Maundy Thursday.

He will replace the Rt. Rev. Donald MacAdie, church's former rector, who conthas firm his first class here since his consecration as bishop. Bishop MacAdie has had a recurrence of a virus infection and will be confined to his home for several days. The 8 o'clock service in the church will be followed by a reception for the guest bishop and confirmands in the adjoinparish hall.

ing, communion will be celebrated at 10 o'clock in the morning. The traditional three hour Good Friday service, with meditations on the Seven Last Words the Cross, will begin at 12, noon with Protestant clergy, of the Passaic of Council of Churches preaching. votions The in Good the Friday church will evening begin deat 8 o'clock. At 4 o'clock Easter Eve the lighting of the vigil candle (the Faster paschal candle) and baptism will take place. Communion Friday Evening at Methodist First Methodist Church, Passaic, will "hold a communion service at 8 p.m.

Good Friday. Mrs. Alden T. Smith will be hostess at a meeting of Circle 6 Thursday, April 21, in the parsonage. Mrs.

Charles Reeves will lead the devotions and Mrs. Smith will give the message. Kathryn E. Fay Kathryn E. Fay's Betrothal Announced Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph J. Fay, 254 Fairview Avenue, Rutherford, announced the engagement of their daughter, Kathyrn, to Thomas R. Griffin, of Clifton, Sunday at a family dinner. Miss Fay is a registered nurse on the pediatric staff of St.

Joseph's Hospital, Paterson. Mr. Griffin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F.

Griffin, 89 Getty Avenue, served four years with the Navy and is with Kearfott, Little Falls. Good Friday Service At Northside Church Good Friday services at Northside Christian Reformed Church, Passaic, will be held at 7:45 p.m., conducted by the Rev. Willard Van Antwerpen, pastor. His sermon will be based on Jesus' last words from the cross "Father, Into Thy Hands I Commend My The Choral Society will sing three selections from "The MesIsiah" by George Frederic Handel, "Behold the Lamb of "He Was with Mrs. Dino Reonieri as soloist, and "Surely He Hath Borne Our Noon Holy Communion At 1st Presbyterian Good Friday will be observed at the First Presbyterian Church, Passaic, with the traditional noon communion service.

In the evening, the Chancel Choir will sing Stainer's Party in Hackettstown Mrs. Allen C. Damon Hostess Today; Bermuda Vacationers Feted on Return Mrs. Leslie Hankinson, of Hackettstown, was hostess today at bridge to Mmes. Charles Prescott, of Passaic; George Young, of East Orange; John G.

Merselis, of South Orange; R. EllsW worth Doremus and Karl Kolbe, of Rosemawr; Albert Vreeland, of Glen Ridge, and William Walsh, of Clifton. Mrs. Allen C. Damon, 71 Aycrigg Avenue, Passaic, was hostess today at dessert and bridge to Miss Lorraine Hardifer, of the same address, and Mmes.

Donald Smith, of Glen Rock; Milton. Ganley, of Saddle River: Albion -C. Dean, of Fair Lawn; Earl Bartholomew, of Ridgewood; Fred Schwarz, of Newark, and Donald Christie, of Midland Park. Mr. and Mrs.

Rudy Beharka, 18 Hamilton Avenue, Wayne, entertained Sunday at a welcome home party for their daughter, Faith, and Mr. Beharka's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beharka, 36 Doremus Place, Clifton. The trio returned Saturday, from Bermuda.

Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Place, and Mrs. J. B.

Stewart, of Passaic; Mrs. J. W. Wacher, of Kinnelon, and Mr. and Mrs.

Walter F. Downey, of Westfield. Mrs. Leonard M. Matthews, of Pinebrae Lane, Clifton, will be hostess at 11 o'clock Tuesday morning to the annual meeting of the Passaic Valley Garden Club.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kessler, 297 Howard Avenue, Passaic, entertained 16 classmates of their son, Richard Stuart, at their home to celebrate Richard's 11th Easter Flowers that live forever Truly beautiful, artistically styled vinyl plastic flowers in a wide choice of varieties! Choose your own assortment and arrange them to your own taste. or make your selection from one of our pre-arranged assortments! pre-arranged 298 assortments from emma graubard gift shoppe 165 PROSPECT ST. Open Monday and Friday Nights PASSAIC Opp.

New Jersey Bank We Invite You To PRescott 3-2700 Open A Charge Account FREE DELIVERY and FREE GIFT WRAPPING; Florida Girl And John Corso to Wed Miss Marie B. Kroeze, of Lake Wales, will be married April 24 to John M. Corso, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Corso, 306 Paulison Avenue, Passaic.

The 4:30 candlelight ceremony will be performed in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, Lake Wales. Miss Dorothy Kroeze will be maid honor for her sister. They are daughters of Mr. Mrs. Henry Kroeze, of Lake Wales.

Ms. C. K. Welborn will be bridesmaid. Frank Di Filippi, of will be best man for his brotherin-law.

Byron Todd and Charles Bishop, of Lake Wales, will usher. A dinner for 150 guests will follow in the Nelson Hall of the church. Bethel to Hear Of Mission Work Colored slides of the Reformed Church's mission work in Kentucky will be shown before the Ladies' Aid Society of Bethel Reformed Church, Passaic, at 2 o'clock tomorrow in the church basem*nt. Mrs. Martin Hoekman, wife of the pastor, will show the slides and Mrs.

Albert Donkersloot will be in charge of devotions. The Young People's Christian Endeavor Society has started a drive to collect used roller skates for the mission station. They will be repaired and taken to Kenby Mrs. David White, of Wallington, who are planning a visit to Kentucky the early part of Margaret Van, Wageninge is chairman, assisted by Larry Bird, Richard Rusconi and Neil Kusant. Teachers and officers of the Sunday School will hold a quarterly business meeting at 8 o'clock Monday in the church basem*nt.

Women's Fellowship has rescheduled for next Tuesday a the snow storm. Mrs. Wilbur meeting which cancelled due to Ivens, of Park Ridge, will speak to the women of the church at 8 p.m. on the "Christian Guild for a new approach to women's work which the Reformed denomination has adopted. An open discussion period will follow.

The first annual Family Retreat will be held on May 14 at Terrace Lake, Butler. Activities will be planned for all age groups. Luncheon and supper will be served. Delayed Earache TOLEDO, Ohio -When a physician probed in her ear for a suspected blood clot and pulled out a watermelon seed, Mrs. Mattie Alexander recalled had stuffed it there 23 years when she was six she, years old.

Candidates Night Set in Fair Lawn Voter service committee of the Fair Lawn League of Women Voters will sponsor a candidates meeting at 8:30 Thursday evening, May 5, in Fair Lawn High School auditorium. Letters been sent to the candidates and their replies will be made available to the voters of Fair Lawn. Three discussion meetings on local government will be held during April. The first meeting will be Tuesday, April 19, at 1 p.m. at.

the home of Mrs. Seymour Greenwald, 10-04 Bush Place; the second Wednesday, at 8:15 p.m. at the home of Mrs. uel Black, 0-98 Morlot Avenue, and the last Thursday, at 8:15 p.m. at the home of Mrs.

Stanley Hayden, 12 Beekman Place. Discussion leaders will be Mmes. Julian Bornstein, Victor and William Davidson. Resource people are Mmes. Seymour Greenwald, Milton Manowitz, Melvin Van Houten, Edward Cooperman, Robert Rowe, and Albert Davis.

German-Polish IMPORTS We Grind Poppy Seed and Shelled Walnuts also Pecons, Filberts, Almonds ete PAPRIKA, SAFFRON, LEKVAR Polish Mushrooms Full line of COVERED BASKETS Shelled Walnuts 1.29 lb. up 63 Market Passaic 1 block from Passaic St. Cor. Store Phone PRescott 9-9018 LYNNS 207 PASSAIC WASHINGTON PL. Spring Enchantment in this Lovely Lace Dream! Fabulous New Value 16.99 Visit Our Comparable MATERNITY Picture yourself in this elegant NylonDept.

Acefate Lace Dress for your more festive. Spring occasions. Puffy Balloon into Sleeves a on a billowing fitted skirt bodice with that 3 sweeps Petti. coots attached for extra fullness. Satin piping at collar and sleeves with matching satin belt.

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The Herald-News from Passaic, New Jersey (2024)
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